2024 春季点金




Hock lian seng


其中, Unionsteel 在2003 年九月四日的秋季点金中已经点过,并且从那时到今天也有不错涨幅 (约 60%),但是仍在 deep value 区,所以再次上榜,它的全年报是八月发布,十月年会,不出意外的话,捂到那时候会看见花开。

【2023 秋季点金】——–union steel

Valuemax 与 Hock lian seng 在以下文章中有论及:

三只 deep value 的个股—–果然超值

Value max 价值分析

下面增补一下 Hafaray 的情况,基于它和 Hock lian seng 的相似性,一起作个 PK。

受益于疫情后的复苏,建筑企业报告业绩改进, 今天来比较其中两个佼佼者,他们的市值都在一个多亿,有一定可比性。

Hafaray 小档案


EPS 9.07 分, 利润增 33%

NAV 27.5 分

股价 32 分, 总股份4.3 亿, 市值 1.376 亿,企业主要在新加坡,马来西亚经营, 现金从 11.5 增至 17.9 M,


0.75 分, 1.5 分, 2.75 分, 1.5 分(2024第一次分红)年分红收益率 8.6%

前20 达股东持有 94.26%,公众持有 10.4%, 第一大股东是大马富豪前10名的刘子君(lau cho kun) 国际排名一千多,棕榈油 房产)持有 50.8%, 另外三大股东是 Low kok Ann 及儿子女儿 (分别8.56%, 25.44%,5.14%)这种股票持有结构有利于促进分红。

HLS 小档案

Hock lian seng

主营是民用工程(84%),房产开发(16%)目前有 7.08 亿合同, 主要是航空园和实龙岗北地铁站

EPS 5.19 分, 利润增 60.9%

NAV 50.6 分, 股价0.295, 总股份 5.12 亿, 市值 1.51 亿


0.25 分, 1.25 分, 1 分, 1.5 分(已宣布)收益率 5.08%

前二十大股东持有 78.93%,公众 35.29%,前二十中蔡家 10席,白家 5 席,算是家族企业


以上两家最近半年报告都比全年报告更好, 显示良好趋势, 可以看出 hafary 是一种轻资产的贸易型公司,周转率高,资金效率也高,因而更乐于慷慨分红,目前扎堆交房,扎堆装修的环境非常有利于它的盈利。(估计这种环境还能持续到一两年,到时应果断退出)

HLS 是民用工程,机械和专业技能要求高, 因而它的资金和资产投入会比较大,它受周期波动相对小一些,可以说各有千秋。



【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。

三只 deep value 的个股—–果然超值

年报季节进入了尾声,最近报了业绩增长三到六成,仍然被暴击的蓝筹 有云顶,华侨银行等等,原因是:低于市场预期。


  1. Value Max


总股份 7.31 亿, 家族企业,主要股份持有在家族手里, 公众持有 16.77%, 前二十大股东持有 92.45%


3.80分, 4.66分, 6 分, 6.38 分, 6.21 分, 7.32分

目前 每股NAV 52.71分,EPS 7.32 分 股价 36.5 分, PB 0.69, PE 4.99, 提议每股分红 2.2 分, 收益率 6.0%

目前大股东持股达 83%, 仍在 35 分一线购买, 有私有化可能, 值得收藏。

2. UnionSteel


这个股前面已经有所论及,最近进行了拆股,总股数达到 1.19 亿,好股拆了仍然是好股,就像2020 年微软的一拆四。而烂股呢,通常会缩股,当然缩完还是烂股。

根据 2 月7 日发布的半年报, 六个月盈利 7.035 米林,同比增 30%,NAV 210分,以上为拆分前数据。

2月7日半年报的净利加上此前2023 年报后半年的盈利除以最新股份数,得到拆分后新股 EPS 10.69 分,NAV 70 分,以目前股价 50.05 分计算, PB 0.715, PE 4.68.

3. Hock lian seng

建筑股,总股份 5.12 亿, 市值 1.5 亿,手中有几个跨岛线合同

盈利增61%, NAV50.6 分, EPS 5.19 分, 价格 29 分, PB0.57, PE 5.6

分红 1.5 分 (去年 1 分), 分红收益率 5.17%

大股东Chua Siok Hong 在 25 分买入。


三只中 PE最低的UnionSteelPB 最低的Hock lian seng,而私有化可能最大的是Value Max,可以说是各有千秋,都值得收藏。

【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。

Value max 价值分析


总股份 7.31 亿

家族企业,主要股份持有在家族手里, 公众持有 16.77%,约 1.2 亿股, 前二十大股东持有 92.45%


2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

盈利 (million) 23.6, 31.3, 40.4, 49.6, 53.3

营收 (M) 208.7, 235.9, 276.1, 275.5, 287.1

NAV (M) 197.4 ,221.7, 355, 327.4, 369

EPS(分) 3.80, 4.66, 6, 6.38, 6.21, 7.32

目前 每股NAV 52.71分,EPS 7.32 分 股价 35 分, PB 0.66 PE 4.78, 提议每股分红 2.2 分, 收益率 6.4%

大股东仍在 35 分一线购买,目前大股东持股达 83%, 有私有化动向。

Money max fin



2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

盈利 (million) 6.9, 12, 26, 25, 29

营收 (M) 146, 182, 197, 199, 253

NAV (M) 75, 83, 104, 121, 140

EPS(分) 1.13, 1.92, 4.61, 4.48, 4.99

前 20 大股东持有 91.63% 股份,公众持股 12.09%

目前股价 24 分 同样有私有化倾向,可以收集,但是此股经营没有 value max 稳健。

Maxi Cash 此典当股已经更名 Aspial lifestyle 经营乏善可陈,已经陷入亏损。

当时几乎同时上市的三家典当行,最值得持有的是 value max

Hock lian seng

建筑股, 盈利增61%, NAV50.6 分, EPS 5.19 分, 价格 29 分, PB0.57 PE 5.6

分红 1.5 分 (去年 1 分), 分红收益率 5.17%

大股东Chua Siok Hong 在 25 分买入。

总股份 5.12 亿, 市值 1.5 亿


【注】:本文原作者 地图帝,转贴目的是保留有见地的帖子。



















发布于 2020-06-08 15:45


公元 1234 年2 月9日,在蒙宋联军的猛烈进攻下,弃守都城开封后,在河南大地上颠沛流离一年多的金帝完颜守绪在蔡州殉国,谥号哀宗。

崛起于靺鞨 (漠河) 的女真人,在灭辽驱宋 驰骋中原一百多年后,不得不消声潜踪,重回黑山白水之间。潜伏忍耐了四百年。


九龙山金皇陵 (位于 北京房山区周口店镇龙门口村)

完颜亮进兵南宋时作 (卧榻之侧)




1583 年 努尔哈赤以十三副遗甲起兵,人马数十。

1587 年 努尔哈赤统一建州女真,兵力达到一万五千

1635 年 皇太极改女真为满,笠年改国号大金为大清

1644年 顺治元年,兵进山海关,定鼎北京,八旗铁骑横扫域内,奄有 一千三百万平方公里锦绣山河。

聪明的读者诸君,一定已经悟出了 满族,这个名称的由来,女真人在昭告天下,我们已经羽翼丰满,铁骑满万,准备驰骋天下了。


今天新加坡股市正在发生的一件重要事情,就是一个长期以来只有 39米林的小股,一拆三,明天太阳升起时,将超过一亿股,它多年耕耘积累的内在价值,相信会驱动其市值在不远将来跨过一亿元门槛,这个从钢铁扩展到岸外油气,,从本土扩展到印度、中国、中东、欧洲的公司,将进入中型股行列, 交易代码也从BLA 改为 ZB9.



为了探究 union steel 的内在价值,我们开始精算,先说 PB值, 根据 2月 7日半年报, NAV 210 分,一拆三后每股 70 分,以今日股价 53 分算, PB 值 0.757

再算 PE值, 为了更准确期间, 采用滚动 EPS方式, 也就是用 2月7日半年报的值,加上此前2023 年报后半年的值,得出滚动 EPS = 17.88 + 14.19 = 32.07 分, 然后再除以 3 得到新股 滚动 EPS 10.69 分

以今日收盘价 53 分计算, PE 值为 4.96

这就是连续上涨后,目前的估值状态,可以说 依然是地板价。

最后有几句话,说给不毛山的朋友们:那一年我们踩到了狗屎(麦克阙, 中文名 阙钢),我们隐忍了四年,赢得了官司,却依然被澳洲的清盘人暗算,无法得到合理补偿,然而,以目前锂价的波动情况,继续杯葛清盘程序, 其实结果难以预料。



而今迈步从头越——- union steel 拆股进行时

Union steel 去年下半年成了豹某的心头好, 并在以下两篇文章中论及它。

【2023 秋季点金】——–union steel

无量大师要拆股了——union steel


正如所料,拆股提案在 2月6日特别股东大会上全票通过,接下来就进入实施阶段。根据下面时间表, 本月20 日下午五点之前的交易都是老股,有一变三的资格。21 日起,就是拆分后的新股了,届时新股价估计会一下子变成四毛多了,股数翻三倍,交易量是否能真活跃起来,拭目以待。

根据 2 月7 日发布的半年报, 六个月盈利 7.035 米林,每股盈利 17.88 分,EPS同比增 30%, 年化 EPS 35.76 分,这样的盈利能力真的是杠杠的。NAV 从 197 分增至 210分。

近两年盈利与净资产快速增长,最重要的推手就是从一家钢铁/鹰架公司, 向岸外油气扩展,并让后者成了资产的大头(目前还不是盈利大头),而这一切扩展并购都是靠自有资金和融资进行的,没有进行股份扩容,因而每股内在价值不断强劲提升。

在一拆三之后,每股年化 EPS 约 12 分, NAV 70 分,仍然有重回 1元的潜力。但是要花多久才能达到就不晓得了。

期待那时候能够再来次一拆三,豹某锚定你了 :)





每股盈利 EPS (分) 每股净资产NAV (分)

2018 2.46

2019 -11.90 156

2020 – 19.41 136

2021 19.33 156

2022 17.96 170

2023 27.94 197

2024 (半年) 17.88 (年化 35.76) 210

从历年数据看,它算是困境反转类型,目前处在盈利强劲增长阶段,毛利率超过 30%, 这样的公司 即使保守的给到 10 倍 市盈率,拆股前 也应当每股 3.57 元,如果是 15 倍市盈率,则应当是 5.35 元。

拆股后,新股年化 EPS 12 分, NAV 70 分, 新股价格 在 10 倍市盈率下应当是 1.19 元, 15 倍市盈率下,应当是 1.78 元。

从这个角度分析,这次拆股后,价格重新回到一元之上,应当不会是很远 的事。

【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。



















不仔细看的话,真要被这 50%的所得税回扣感动到了,怎么就这么慷慨呢?

及至看到顶限 200 元时才知道被耍了, 以一个普通专业人员的所得税应税额 5000—–10000 元来算,这个 200 似乎只是 2%—–4% 啊。



这帮助真是太慷慨了, 仿佛有了 24 个月免利息分期付款,没收入的退休人士,就能变出钱来应付高涨的房产税似的。



为政者精于算计,也算是好事,总是比那些大腹便便 酷爱指明方向 耽于亲自指挥的妄人要好很多,但是精明过头了,太多的空心汤圆,太多的口惠而实不至,难免会让国民有一种被当猴子耍了的感觉。



每次预算案,总是大大声地讲派出了多少福利,给出了多少大红包 ,为何中产阶层还会不时冒出

抱走我一只鸡,还回一个鸡屁股” 的感言?

是不是增税时稳准狠,而派发的时候,对中产而言只是天空一片云,看 看而已,真正落不了几滴到手里?


李总理是个忠厚人,在他主导财政案的时候,我记得每次重大政策宣示的时候,都会模拟测试不同形态家庭,在政策变更前后,所得与所失,然后会在报上列出 小明 家庭情况如何,会受神马影响,小珍 家庭情况如何,会受如何影响。


这种优良传统能不能恢复起来 传承下去?让各个阶层的人都能体会到自己确实有被照顾到了。



读今年的年报,有一个强烈感受,就是新交所不缺好股,缺的是善于发现的眼睛,三月中将推出 2024 春季点金,敬请期待。

为了答谢同道的厚爱,所有通过邮箱免费订阅的同学,将有提前一周观看 2024 春季点金的机会。

  1. Micro-Mechanics 半年盈利跌 30%, 营收跌 20%,无外债, 现金 15M, 每股中期分红 3 分 (半导体所用精密器件加工)
  2. CNMC 盈利预喜, 将有显著提高,具体年报 2 月 28 日前公布。(明天可能会突突一下)
  3. Far East Ochard 预期盈利提高。(没有显著二字)
  4. 中航油预计 2月 29 日年报 (似乎不妙,拖到最后时刻)
  5. Karin Tech 将于 2月8 日闭市后公布年报 (这个应当是不错年报,因为第二天是除夕,年报差的话选的时机岂不添堵)。
  6. Yanlord 半年报预亏,因为中国地产走弱。 (这种弱会持续很多年)
  7. DBS 2 月7 日开市前公布年报。 (这种赚了钱的公司,胸脯挺着呢)
  8. Ho Bee 预亏,因为伦敦资产估值下调。 (这个不是真正丢钱,具体还是看一下现金流)
  9. Qian Hu (仟湖)巨亏 9 M, 原因是处置龙鱼种 blur blur。 (别碰这种龙筹,尤其是水里的)
  10. GKE 半年报盈利增 90%, NAV 11.9 分, 半年 EPS 0.25 分 。(初步止血?)
  11. AZtech 2月 23 日公布业绩
  12. LUXKING预亏
  14. Seatrium 预亏 2月26 日盘前公布
  15. Tendline 继续亏 (不是好标的)
  16. UOB净利增 26% 达到 61亿
  17. IFast 净利增 340%,公司预期 2024 年强劲增长
  18. sunrise 预亏
  19. SRI Trang Agri 亏损 (农业股)
  20. Asia phos 预报会扭亏 (不是正经公司,不值得看)
  21. Vicom 盈利微增 5.4%, eps 7.78 分红 2.75 分 (去年同期 3.32 分)从 1.44 元的股价看,仍然不便宜)
  22. OUE 预报盈利增加 (来自于地产投资公允值上升)
  23. Wilmar 净利跌 37%
  24. Captii 亏损 11 米林
  25. Pavillon holding 亏损 5 米林
  26. 新航 三个季度 净利增 5%
  27. First REIT, DPU跌 6.1%
  28. China Sunshine 预报盈利显著下降
  29. Plato 亏损
  30. Dyna mac 盈利增 115%, EPS 2.50 分, 以股价 27 分计算, PE 10.8 (估值还是比 union steel 高很多,后者 PE还不到 5)
  31. Valuemax 净利增 18.9%, eps 7.02, 股价 35 分, PE只有 5 , 明显估值偏低。
  32. Astaka 净利巨减 93%
  33. WinKing studio 盈利增71.6%, 是 2023年11 月上市的游戏美术外包制作公司,eps 0.945 分, 股价21.5分, PE 22.75
  34. Avagra 盈利巨降 62%
  35. CDW预亏
  36. Sim Leisure, EPS 微降, 目前 PE 16
  37. FU Yu 亏损
  38. penguin 盈利增 58%, 主要集中在下半年, eps 7.6 分, nav 96 分 股价 84.5 分
  40. GEO energy 净利下跌 60%, eps 4.45 分 目前股价 39 分基本在价值附近。去年产煤 8MT,前年 12 MT, 最近并购的矿有275 MT储量,可保证20 年开采,并有潜力将产能提高到25 MT, 2023 年吨煤 63US$, 2022 年吨煤 86US$,新矿今年剥采并建产能,明年关注Indonesian Coal Index Price for 4200 GAR (“ICI4”),若吨价回到 100 US$可重新介入。
  41. Frencken group 净利跌 37%
  42. CSE global 净利增 374%,营收增 34%, 目前价格 43 分,EPS 3.66 PE 11.7 订单创新高,预期 2024 业绩强劲,主要在美国经营电动化及通讯。
  43. China ever bright water 盈利增 17%
  44. the straits trading 亏损
  45. Bonvests holding 盈利跌65%
  46. Banyan tree 营收增 21%, 盈利90.1 米林,增16%,自营酒店以及酒店代管理行业, 23 年新开 13 家酒店,新增18 个管理协议,位于 中 日 印尼 泰 越 阿联酋 马尔代夫, NAV80 分, PB 0.6, net gearing ratio 从46% 降至 27%,现金 130 米林,入住率提高,计划未来几年继续扩张。此股已经下跌 7 个月了,探底即将结束。
  47. 亏损个股 polaris, aviation, ACMA, Koyo, Wilton resourses, Edition, Asia pay TV, Prosper Cap, Meta helth , China mining, AJJ mwdtech, CDW, quantum healthcare , ZICO, VCPLUS, Advanced system, AXQM, Sino star PEC, Chrisma Energy 亏损股通常集中在二月底发布,所以二月最后一周,通常影响市场情绪。
  48. Brook Crompton 盈利增 110%, EPS 11.76 分, NAV 121 分, 现金从 13 米增至 17.7 米
  49. TA corporation 盈利增34.8%, 现金从42 米减到 17米
  50. Mind champs preschool 盈利增 65%,占本地幼教市场 38.5%,海内外7个国家, EPS 2.13 分 股价 17.1 分。
  51. Cordlife 净利跌 45%
  52. BBR 现金从 50.9米林增至56.9 米林, eps 1.98 分增 12.5%, 股价 11.5 分
  53. Neratel 扭亏, eps 1.53 分, 目前股价 8.1 分
  54. NamChong 马来西亚公司岸外油气支援船舶,盈利翻倍,马国将扩产油气产量,利好,eps 0.5 分,目前停牌,停牌前价格0.4 分,此股复牌时值得注意。
  55. MEMiontech 水处理膜公司, eps 0.49 分, 增 25.6%, 分红0.169 分,目前股价 10 分
  56. Combine will 香港公司机械设计加工, 盈利持平, eps 22.6 分, 目前股价 90 分, 每年分红 5 分, 收益率5.5%,又是一个无量的家伙。
  57. O&M dental 盈利持平 eps 1.22 分 股价 23.5 分
  58. BHG global EPS 1.15分 增 24%
  59. Sapphire盈利跌 81%
  60. Oiltek 马国人在印尼开的油料榨制加工企业,食用油、生物柴油 盈利增 50.9%, 零负债,132.5 M令吉现金, eps 3.8 新分, NAV 13.46 新分,股价 25.6 新分, PE 6.73 分红 1.6 分, 收益率 6.25% 新订单 322.1M令吉,展望正面。

无量大师要拆股了——union steel

Union steel 我在去年九月四日文章中曾分析过它,过去3个多月包括分红累计涨幅 30% 左右。要了解该股详情的同学可参考

【2023 秋季点金】——–union steel

如文中所述,它是一个袖珍股,总股份只有 39.378 M,并且主要掌握在大股东手里, 因而日常成交比较清淡,一般不会超过10 万股,但是并不妨碍它涨涨涨,因为盈利能力强啊。应当属于昌昊兄喜爱的那种无量大师。

昨天收到它的通知,要在 二月七日召开特别股东大会,审议一拆三的提案。好听的说法叫一送二送红股,就是要把总股份变成 1.2 亿左右,增加市场流动性,实现它的价值再发现。

以它去年 EPS 28 分, NAV 197 分的业绩看,拆分之后,盘子扩充到三倍, 仍能达到 每份 9 分盈利,66 分净资产,怎么看每份也值五毛六毛的。



【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。

一根大棒————大道工业(broadway industry)


大棒当日, 涨幅是 17.6%, 成交金额在 1.7M—-2M 之间, 赶紧去翻以前设定的标准:




(1)跳空或光头光脚大阳线配合, 对应涨幅要有 10% 左右,

(2) 对应资金应当在 一百万之上,

(3)  成交量超过近期平均量的十倍.

(4) 后面几天成交量迅速回落, 降到前面 1/5 以下.






Nordic ——几时发力?

谁会是下一个 Nordic ?






公司每股净资产大约 20分,总股份 4.5 亿, 手中现金 29M,2022 年 EPS 1.37 分

目前大股东Lew Syn Pau 在八到九分 收集


【2024 年3月5 日更新】

根据最近公布的年报 EPS 0.68 分,下跌 58%, NAV 19.52 分, 净现金 33.7 米林,每股合 7. 5 分,无外债,分红0.5 分, 收益率 5.2%


  1. 去年与韩国合作开始的精密加工业务,用于通讯器材,今年全面运营后,市场反应。
  2. 北京的仲裁官司结束后,在江苏无锡冻结的资产有望解封。
  3. 云储存对今年硬盘需求问题。

【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。



2013年02月18日 13:06:22  来源: 新华网新加坡频道


















2023 年 12月18 日晚上十点多,我们到新加坡樟宜机场,准备搭乘次日零点二十起飞的 Scoot TR 996 飞往台北,由于疏忽,打印的台湾入出境许可证是黑白的,在出境口被要求与 Scoot 柜台联系,柜台女服务员说现在台湾那边反复强调必须是彩色的,于是扣下了登机牌。

给我们指同楼层一个地方去重新打印,急急忙忙跑过去才发现那儿也只有黑白打印,并且说整个机场都只是黑白打印,于是重新跑回柜台,寻求帮助,甚至出示彩色的电子版,看能否有解决办法,服务员只是继续反复重述台湾的规定,问她怎么办,回答是 “自行解决 ”(Find your own way).

当时距离登机时间仅剩 70 多分钟,回城打印,肯定来不及,即使回到城里,夜里十点多也很难快速找到能彩色打印的地方,把这些困难讲给她听,仍然是冰冷的回答,“Find your own way”.

时间一分一秒过去,我们很着急,但是服务人员,仍然是一副与自己无关的样子,不肯提供进一步帮助,直到我要拍下她的服务证号,向机场投诉的时候,才惊动带班的经理从二三十米外的服务台走过来,经理这才告诉我们,在机场的酒店 Crown Plaza 前台可以彩色打印,并且告诉我们,跑快点的话,一个小时能够赶得上。


彩色打印并没有广泛进入千家万户,我们常住新加坡的人,遇到这种紧急情况尚且手忙脚乱,如果是一个在新加坡周转的外国旅客,很可能就会耽误行程,进而对新加坡留下恶劣印象,即使那个 Scoot 地勤是一个招聘的外藉人士,她只要坐在柜台那儿,她就代表了樟宜,代表了外国人对新加坡的观感。






谐音梗玩得溜溜的,既把萧琴 赖清 这对民进党竞选搭档的名字巧妙嵌合进去,又与 Made in 在发音上完美融合,同时又宣称了自己台湾血统的纯正,可以说是三全其美,不得不说,民进党确实有人才啊。

比起陈水扁当年的竞选文案 “都来给阿扁作爸爸: 扁本命苦,少年失怙,多有坎坷,急待良辅” 似乎要有品多了。




2. 坚定地走对的路,前面明明是水啊,游过太平洋吗?

3. 像是要私奔的,不像是要带领国家的,(斜杠两侧藏着 13 14,一生一世干嘛呢?)



网络时代,有那么一点点好奇心, 动动指尖,几十分钟,就能汲取高人数十年功力。

还能让老婆对你的技术刮目相看, 简直太划算了。

用刀技巧 1|小改變就能大大提昇刀工|刀工小秘訣讓你練習刀工更有效率

用刀技巧 2|蔬菜刀工1|如何切洋蔥和胡蘿蔔|刀工小秘訣讓你練習刀工更有效率

用刀技巧 3|那些年我們的用刀壞習慣|如何讓刀長久保持鋒利的秘訣


上次查到的跑步技巧,保持重心直线运行,不 左右 上下 前后 摆动重心, 在沙地练习让脚印在一条直线上,也是大开眼界,担心跑步伤膝盖伤脚关节的伙伴们,也可以去搜搜看。

文件分发阶段——让 不毛山(Alita) 被听到

前面在总结多位不毛山朋友见解基础上,我们对 不毛山十月二日的公告,作出了解读和回应,主要是为了督促不毛山的清盘人(liqudiator) 能够增加透明度,解答疑问。


在历经四年多缺德中资企业 Austroid 的蹂躏之后, 我们期待澳洲的 Mineral resources 在并购不毛山过程中,在照顾自身利益的同时,能展现更好一点风度,注意自己的吃相。


经过朋友们的努力,我们已经有中英文版本的的文件,包括 PDF与 Word 版面(为了方便有需要的人编辑)


The more attention we attract the more chance we get fairness.


有需要的朋友可以自由下载,编辑,送给你觉得会有用的人/机构。 一起努力吧。

中文 PDF版

英文 PDF 版

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英文 word 版


从九月二十七日澳洲聆讯结束,到十月二日, Alita 清盘人发出公告以来,相信很多不毛山的朋友都经历了不小的情绪波动。




我尝试了一下,google translation 可以作大部分工作,但是还是需要英语水平到位的人,最好是 native speaker 对它进行最后调整。

我觉得 原文的翻译内容,可以发送到

  1. Canaccord Genuity 的相关律师团队
  2. 澳洲的股票论坛,尤其是与不毛山相关的论坛。

此外,如果要发给 新交所 SGX 相关团队 的话,还需要把题目改成 Alita 中小投资者的声音,或者类似题目,然后在内容中去掉一些情绪化的东西,方便 SGX相关部门考虑。

在此,豹某呼唤热心朋友们, 志愿站出来,分工合作,收集相关机构团体的联系方式,承担翻译,修改 和 向相关人士和机构发送的任务。




感谢热心朋友,十大诉求的英文版,已经在澳洲 Hotcopper 上了。

On 2nd October 2023,MN, the liquidators made an update to shareholders in SGX.

Leave with more question than answers.

Request liquidators for transparency and professionalism and kindly answer the following queries:

1. Disclose more information about the purchaser ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd, its date of establishment, registered capital, list of directors/officers.

2. According to the Singapore Catalist Rule 1006, the decision to approve the exemption clause is made after the valuation data is released and the SGX relevant authorities assess whether it is fair and reasonable.

3. The proponents need to clarifies their relationships with the other parties – independent assessor Deloitte (IER),creditor holder Austroid, lithium ore purchaser Hong Kong company YiHe, liquidator McGrath Nicol.

Is there any conflict of interest between these parties?

4. Publishes the current amount and composition of Alita’s debt and explain the mechanisms in place to prevent debt traps.

5. What capacity construction did Alita carry out during the period when it was seized by the creditor Chinese company’s Austroid, how much did it cost, how many shipment were exported, how many tons of lithium ore were exported, and what was the unit price and total price of ore?

6. What are the difficulties in explaining whether it is possible to bring in a third party to conduct further exploration of the minerals before winding up?

7. Discloses which companies other than Mineral Resource and its subsidiaries mentioned in the announcement have submitted proposals and for which/what reasons they are out. Explain specifically why their proposals are considered inoperable or lack certainty of implementation.

ACN 669 538 809,The offer from Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources was accepted, but we can see that in subsection 3.3, there is also a precondition for the transaction, does this precondition also mean that they also face the problem of certainty of execution?

(Hope that the liquidators will disclose more information on which companies have submitted proposals other than the Mineral Resources mentioned in the announcement, and which of the above reasons they have withdrawn).

Illustrate the circumstances in which a proposal is consideredinoperable.

8. Propose alternatives to the general meeting so that the liquidator and the shareholders can communicate directly to raise questions and explain doubts.

9. After the DOCA’s repeal, Alita has been freed from creditor Austroid, whether the Offtake Agreement between Austroid and YiHe is still in force. And is Alita be held responsible to pay taxes, if any, for the pricing offtake agreement between Austroid and YiHe? If Yes, Why so?

10. Please elaborate on the process of selecting an independent third party (IER) to issue a valuation report, which Deloitte has already issued in previous judicial proceedings. Please describe its selection process.

另外有个有利消息是, 距离不毛山 600米 的地方 Torque Metals Ltd (TOR)勘探得到很好结果,获得介于 10亿 到18 亿澳元之间的献议,献议者包括 MinRes 和嘉能可。


The drill rig is currently spinning on-site and I can’t wait to see the spodumene

600 meters away from the Bald Hill mine which just last week got offered $1B to $1.8B from various buyers. MinRes plus Glencore

Up to 6% spodumene from rock chip sampling with many high grade samples obtained

Massive chunks of spodumene the director has been bringing to presentations to show off and also has a chunk in his office

Fully funded diamond drilling has commenced

Historical tantalum drilling with a maximum depth of 30m successfully intercepted abundant pegmatites with abundant spodumene noted in the drill logs as seen above.

The director knows exactly where to drill based off these historical results. Success is almost guaranteed. It is also interesting to note that Bald Hill originally was drilling tantalum and then discovered pegmatites with spodumene. The exact same scenario has happened here, wink wink only 600m away.

Bald Hill operators are currently drilling towards TOR tenements meaning the mineralization appears to be continuing to where we are, while at the same time we have already confirmed abundant spodumene.

Bald Hill buyers are eyeing nearby tenements and M&A is ripe. TOR already has mining licenses like WC8 which usually take years and heritage approvals so this discovery can progress very quickly. We are in the perfect position right now, a very unique one if you ask me. The buyers of Bald Hill will want to take us out really quickly once/if a discovery is confirmed. They can feed our ore into the Bald Hill processing plant.

感谢 Steven 网友的努力, 现在我们有下面的英文版本了。 我们尽可能把它发送给更多人和相关机构,越多人关注,获得公平的机会就越大,遭遇暗箱操作的风险就越小。

Time to check the table manner of Australians———–about Alita Resources (SGX:A40)

Alita’s abundant lithium resources make it a tempting target in the eyes of unscrupulous characters. Since the knowing of the lithium mine, it has faced lawsuits constantly. Along the way, it has experienced Jonathan Lim, Tjandra Adi Pramoko, and years of litigation between Austroid and Canaccord. After repeated twists and turns, it was originally thought that with the court ruling on September 27, 2023, in Australia, everything would settle down and Australian and Singaporean investors could get reasonable returns for a peaceful year.

Unexpectedly, a new announcement came out on October 2nd, a new company ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd as the purchaser appeared, the previously frequently mentioned Mineral Resources retreated behind the scenes and became the guarantor. At the same time, Deloitte was appointed to conduct valuation and issue an Independent Expert Report. However, in the situation where many questions have not been well clarified, it hurriedly set a timetable, requiring SGX to approve an exemption clause or delist Alita before October 27.

Under the current circumstances, delisting Alita will obviously make communication between investors and the company more difficult, which does not conform to SGX’s position of protecting small and medium investors and will also damage investors’ confidence in SGX.

Section B of the SGX Catalist Rules has clear requirements that selling the company requires shareholder approval. So once the requirement is exempted, investors will almost be removed from the game, with no chance to speak for their own interests in the contest concerning themselves.

In the fifth section of the announcement, a lot of space is used to explain the rationality of applying for the exemption clause. We understand the eager mood of the liquidator who sees profit coming. But as investors, we also have the right to demand more transparency and more in-depth explanations to resolve our doubts. Although it is difficult for Alita to hold a shareholder meeting under the current circumstances, it cannot be used as an excuse to close other possible communication channels.

As an investor, I have the following questions. I hope SGX can help us clarify them when responding to the Australian liquidator’s application for an exemption clause:


The first line of Section 2.2 of the announcement claims that the information about the purchaser and Mineral Resources in this section is provided by them, and the liquidator has not independently verified the accuracy and correctness of the relevant information.

We want to know whether the liquidator thinks the accuracy of the relevant information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources is unimportant at all?

If so, please explain why it is unimportant.

If not, please explain the difficulties in independent verification, and request the disclosing parties to provide more information for investors, media, and public to participate in verification together.

We note that the information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources is very limited. More needs to be supplemented in two aspects. The first aspect is more information about the purchaser ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd, such as its establishment time, registered capital, list of directors/executives. This information will help verify their subsequent claims. The purchaser’s name is so stylish and digital. In case it is just a short-lived existence purely for the parent company to do unspeakable things, then its directors/executives’ information is even more important and needs to be disclosed for future accountability.

The second aspect is that the relevant information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources only clears that they do not hold Alita’s shares and are not related to Alita’s directors/major shareholders, nor have they had any private transactions or arrangements with Alita’s directors/major shareholders and the liquidator. Regardless of the validity of this clearance, in the absence of independent verification, whether there are moral hazards, just from the perspective of conflict of interest, shouldn’t the relationship with several other parties also be clarified —— the independent valuation firm Deloitte, the creditor Austroid, the lithium ore buyer Hong Kong company YiHe, and the liquidator’s company McGrathNicol?

Why does the relationship with creditor Austroid also need clarification? Because theoretically, a debt loophole can exist here. For example, now inflate the debt, transfer the interests of shareholders to the debtor Austroid, and then after the liquidation is over, transfer these interests back to the purchaser and Mineral Resources through litigation or other arrangements. Of course, I don’t mean to accuse the purchaser and Mineral Resources of conspiring with creditor Austroid for such a debt loophole. But the liquidator needs to explain what mechanism can prevent such vicious events from happening. In addition, the current debt amount is still undisclosed. Why?


Announcement Section 5 (a to g) lists a total of seven reasons asking SGX to exempt the responsibility to comply with Section B of the Catalist Rules.

Part of reason a says that under Australian law, liquidators can sell Alita’s movable and immovable property without the consent of any third party (including shareholders) after obtaining creditors’ approval.

“The Liquidators do not require any other consent of any third party (including Shareholders) to perform their duties.”

Here the liquidator needs to clarify whether the so-called third party also includes SGX.

If so, it means that they can act solely based on Australian law without SGX’s consent. Then it conflicts with section 3.3, which clearly states that the sale of Alita is subject to one of two prerequisites, namely SGX’s consent to the exemption clause or Alita’s delisting.

If not included, that is, as a company listed in Singapore, Alita also needs to be subject to Singapore’s securities laws and regulations. Then how can you use Australian law as a reason to ask Singapore to approve the exemption clause? Singapore is a small country, but it certainly has independent sovereignty. Australian law has no reason to override Singapore. If the liquidator believes that Australian law can override Singapore, then go ahead. Why bother applying to SGX for an exemption clause to let them take the blame?

The liquidator needs to provide more compelling reasons to apply for the exemption.

Part of reason b claims that the transaction with the purchaser and Mineral Resources does not harm the interests of shareholders.

“The Disposal offers the most beneficial proposal available for Shareholders in the circumstances. Other indicative approaches received by the Deed Administrators had not been considered as they offered much less favourable terms, were not practicable in terms of implementation and/or lacked execution certainty.”

The liquidator believes that the current transaction arrangement is the optimal arrangement, and other companies’ proposals were not accepted by the liquidator for three reasons:

· The terms were significantly unfavourable

· The terms lack operational feasibility

· Lack of execution certainty

First of all, we highly appreciate that the liquidator has used these three aspects as selection criteria, reflecting their professionalism.

As investors, we hope the liquidator can disclose more information: in addition to Mineral Resources mentioned in the announcement, which companies have made proposals and which of the above reasons caused them to lose out?

To illustrate, under what circumstances would a proposal be considered infeasible?

Alita has not conducted exploration activities for more than five years. If the proposing party proposes to engage a third party to further explore the minerals and ascertain more reserves before valuation and liquidation, would it be considered infeasible and rejected? For an early-stage mine, is their proposal asking too much?

Speaking of lack of execution certainty, this is what we are most concerned about. Which companies were ruled out for violating this clause, while ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources’ proposals were accepted? However, we can see in Section 3.3 that the transaction is also subject to a prerequisite. Does this prerequisite also imply that they face the same certainty of execution issues?

Reasons d/e claim that failure to promptly approve the exemption clause may miss the opportunity to transact with Mineral Resources, and delay will impair Alita’s net assets. In fact, this statement has some uncertainty. The value of lithium resources is affected by many factors, including supply and demand balance, technological progress, etc. If shareholders’ interests cannot be reasonably protected under current circumstances, why should they cooperate to accelerate processing just for the sake of Mineral Resources and their subsidiary ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd whose name contains a string of numbers?

Part f of the reason claims that under the current situation of Alita, it is difficult and expensive to convene a shareholders’ meeting, and approving the exemption clause saves the most money.

We recognize the liquidator’s consideration of expenses. What we want to know is whether there are more economical and convenient channels than shareholders’ meetings, such as the Internet, to allow direct communication between the liquidator and shareholders to raise doubts and explain questions.

Part g of the reason says that the principle of creditors being compensated before shareholders in liquidation can be realized.

We strongly agree that debt precedes equity, but we cannot accept the possibility of a debt loophole as mentioned earlier. In theory, this is where a debt loophole can exist. For example, now inflating the debt transfers the interests of shareholders to the debtor Austroid, and then after the liquidation is over, transfer these interests back to the purchaser and Mineral Resources through litigation or other arrangements.

Rushing to require SGX to approve the exemption clause, this hasty approach of counting chicks before they hatch is suspecting.


In section 3.2 d, the valuation mechanism contains a payment amount calculated based on whether the existing sales agreement remains in effect.

“a mechanism for calculating a further amount payable depending upon whether the existing offtake agreement remains in place”.

My understanding is that the so-called existing offtake agreement refers to the Chinese company, that is, the sales agreement between Austroid and its affiliated Hong Kong company YiHe, which was criticized by Australian Justice Jenni Hill in court on March 28 this year. Under this agreement, Alita continued to supply lithium ore to YiHe at one-third of the market price as lithium resource prices soared tenfold, leaving Alita with wafer thin profit (the judge’s original words).

Therefore, Justice Hill ordered that in the face of soaring lithium prices and the company’s valuation from zero to A$1.5 billion, shareholders have the right to safeguard their own interests.

My understanding is that since according to the court developments on September 27, the DOCA was abolished and Alita has been freed from the control of creditor Austriod, the sales agreement between Austroid and YiHe is no longer valid. If there is any dispute, it is between the two Chinese companies Austroid and YiHe.

Continuing to execute the agreement can only mean continuing to dump at low prices, continuing to illegally transfer benefits to Hong Kong’s YiHe, and continuing to evade Australian mining taxes.

Of course, these illegal transfers of benefits to YiHe and evaded taxes can be recovered through litigation or other arrangements after Mineral Resources completes the acquisition of Alita. But by then it would only be credited to Mineral Resources and the Australian Treasury, and irrelevant to Alita’s existing shareholders.

So what mechanism is there to compensate Alita’s existing shareholders?

They are victims of dirty deeds, but those who benefit in the end may only be Mineral Resources.


Section 3.2 e of the valuation mechanism also contains taxes related to the Alita transaction payable by Alita.

“provision for further adjustments depending on the tax liabilities of Alita in connection with the transaction”

My understanding is that the transaction here refers only to the sale of assets to the proposing party during this liquidation process. If so, paying taxes according to law is reasonable.

However, one point needs to be stated. The taxes involved in transactions between the time Alita was taken over by the creditor Chinese company Austoid in 2019 and the lifting of the takeover on September 27 this year should be handled by the creditor because they were under the distorted contract operated by the creditor. If Alita has to pay additional mining taxes derived from the distorted contract, it will further transfer shareholders’ interests to YiHe or Austroid and may or may not eventually fall into Mineral Resources’ hands, because according to section 1 (c), the right to recover will also be transferred to the acquiring party in Alita’s liquidation transaction.

Once such transfer of interests occurs, shareholders would be double victims.


The first sentence of Section 6 states that the liquidator is currently unable to provide relevant calculations in tabular form according to Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules of SGX.

“The Liquidators are currently not in a position to set out the relative figures for the Disposal computed based on Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules.”

The liquidator explained that Alita’s audited financial reports (December 2018) and independent expert reports (August 2019, August 2021) were too long ago and may not reflect the current value of Alita.

This statement makes sense. From the chart below,

In December 2018, August 2019, August 2021, the price of lithium carbonate per ton was about 70,700 RMB, 31,800 RMB, 88,000 RMB respectively. After that, it entered a soaring stage. From September 2019 to now, the price per ton ranges from 166,000 to 600,000.

The increase is huge. It can also be seen that Austroid and YiHe did transfer a lot of dirty interests (congratulations to Mineral Resources’ legal team, there will be a lot more business later).

The recent decline in lithium carbonate prices and the Midas Mineral share price plunging from 0.43 in August to below 0.15 show that large institutions are playing tricks, after all they have the power to overturn clouds and rain, for example, Mineral Resources’ Chinese partner Ganfeng Lithium has huge market pricing power.

Note: According to section 2.1 of the announcement, Alita owns 11.33% of Midas Mineral. Therefore, specifically suppressing Midas Mineral during Alita’s valuation is also a plot.

We cannot grasp the overturning of clouds and rain in the market. As shareholders of Alita, we also have doubts about the valuation background provided by the liquidator. Why does the announcement repeatedly mention that under Parents DOCA, investors will receive zero consideration, when Parents DOCA has already been abolished?

Why in Section 6 choose to give the outdated 2018 figures instead of mentioning more recent data such as the A$1.5 billion valuation obtained by the court in March 2023?

When the valuation data is still in the black box, when Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules has not yet been complied with, why urge SGX to urgently approve the exemption clause? Can’t you wait until the valuation data comes out and SGX-related agencies evaluate whether it is fair and reasonable before deciding whether to exempt it?

Alita has a large amount of proven and yet-to-be-proven lithium reserves and thus a big cake. Many parties want to profit exclusively from it. Austroid/YiHe, the unscrupulous Chinese companies, have already put on a show.

Next, we have to see the table manners of Australian companies, Australian liquidators, and various other related parties.

Alita not only involves the interests of tens of thousands of Australian and Singaporean investors but has also received extensive attention from international media and public opinion. Its final compensation, how it is handled, relates to Australia’s honour, relates to investors’ confidence in Australia’s judicial environment, relates to investors’ confidence in Australian stock exchanges and Australian companies, and of course also the confidence in judicial liquidators.

Pay attention to your table manners, public opinion is watching you.

The three liquidators: Robert Michael Kirman, Robert Conry Brauer and Matthew Wayne Caddy

Your names are likely to be preserved in documents for a long time, cherish them.

Final Summary:

Our demands:

1. Disclose more information about the purchaser ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd, including its date of incorporation, registered capital, directors/senior management.

2. According to SGX Catalist Rule 1006, the valuation data should be released and evaluated by relevant SGX institutions for fairness before deciding whether to approve the waiver clause.

3. The proposer should clarify its relationship with several other parties – independent valuator Deloitte, creditor Austroid, lithium purchaser YiHe from Hong Kong, liquidator from McGrathNicol.

4. Disclose the current debt amount and composition of Alita and explain mechanisms to prevent debt entrapment.

5. What capacity expansions and costs were undertaken by Alita during the time it was seized by creditor Austroid? How many shipments and tonnage of lithium were exported and at what unit/total prices?

6. The liquidator should explain whether a third party was introduced for further exploration before liquidation, and what difficulties this poses.

7. Disclose which other companies aside from Mineral Resources and its subsidiaries made proposals, and why each was rejected for lack of feasibility or certainty. Specifically explain why their proposals were considered infeasible or lacking in implementation certainty.

The proposal from ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources was accepted, but section 3.3 also sets precedent conditions. Do these conditions also imply they face issues with implementation certainty?

Time to check the table manner of Australians

Alita’ abundant lithium resources make it a tempting target in the eyes of unscrupulous characters. Since the knowing of the lithium mine, it has faced lawsuits constantly. Along the way, it has experienced Jonathan Lim, Tjandra Adi Pramoko, and years of litigation between Austroid and Canaccord. After repeated twists and turns, it was originally thought that with the court ruling on September 27, 2023, in Australia, everything would settle down and Australian and Singaporean investors could get reasonable returns for a peaceful year.

Unexpectedly, a new announcement came out on October 2nd, a new company ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd as the purchaser appeared, the previously frequently mentioned Mineral Resources retreated behind the scenes and became the guarantor. At the same time, Deloitte was appointed to conduct valuation and issue an Independent Expert Report. However, in the situation where many questions have not been well clarified, it hurriedly set a timetable, requiring SGX to approve an exemption clause or delist Alita before October 27.

Under the current circumstances, delisting Alita will obviously make communication between investors and the company more difficult, which does not conform to SGX’s position of protecting small and medium investors and will also damage investors’ confidence in SGX.

Section B of the SGX Catalist Rules has clear requirements that selling the company requires shareholder approval. So once the requirement is exempted, investors will almost be removed from the game, with no chance to speak for their own interests in the contest concerning themselves.

In the fifth section of the announcement, a lot of space is used to explain the rationality of applying for the exemption clause. We understand the eager mood of the liquidator who sees profit coming. But as investors, we also have the right to demand more transparency and more in-depth explanations to resolve our doubts. Although it is difficult for Alita to hold a shareholder meeting under the current circumstances, it cannot be used as an excuse to close other possible communication channels.

As an investor, I have the following questions. I hope SGX can help us clarify them when responding to the Australian liquidator’s application for an exemption clause:


The first line of Section 2.2 of the announcement claims that the information about the purchaser and Mineral Resources in this section is provided by them, and the liquidator has not independently verified the accuracy and correctness of the relevant information.

We want to know whether the liquidator thinks the accuracy of the relevant information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources is unimportant at all?

If so, please explain why it is unimportant.

If not, please explain the difficulties in independent verification, and request the disclosing parties to provide more information for investors, media, and public to participate in verification together.

We note that the information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources is very limited. More needs to be supplemented in two aspects. The first aspect is more information about the purchaser ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd, such as its establishment time, registered capital, list of directors/executives. This information will help verify their subsequent claims. The purchaser’s name is so stylish and digital. In case it is just a short-lived existence purely for the parent company to do unspeakable things, then its directors/executives’ information is even more important and needs to be disclosed for future accountability.

The second aspect is that the relevant information provided by the purchaser and Mineral Resources only clears that they do not hold Alita’s shares and are not related to Alita’s directors/major shareholders, nor have they had any private transactions or arrangements with Alita’s directors/major shareholders and the liquidator. Regardless of the validity of this clearance, in the absence of independent verification, whether there are moral hazards, just from the perspective of conflict of interest, shouldn’t the relationship with several other parties also be clarified —— the independent valuation firm Deloitte, the creditor Austroid, the lithium ore buyer Hong Kong company YiHe, and the liquidator’s company McGrathNicol?

Why does the relationship with creditor Austroid also need clarification? Because theoretically, a debt loophole can exist here. For example, now inflate the debt, transfer the interests of shareholders to the debtor Austroid, and then after the liquidation is over, transfer these interests back to the purchaser and Mineral Resources through litigation or other arrangements. Of course, I don’t mean to accuse the purchaser and Mineral Resources of conspiring with creditor Austroid for such a debt loophole. But the liquidator needs to explain what mechanism can prevent such vicious events from happening. In addition, the current debt amount is still undisclosed. Why?


Announcement Section 5 (a to g) lists a total of seven reasons asking SGX to exempt the responsibility to comply with Section B of the Catalist Rules.

Part of reason a says that under Australian law, liquidators can sell Alita’s movable and immovable property without the consent of any third party (including shareholders) after obtaining creditors’ approval.

“The Liquidators do not require any other consent of any third party (including Shareholders) to perform their duties.”

Here the liquidator needs to clarify whether the so-called third party also includes SGX.

If so, it means that they can act solely based on Australian law without SGX’s consent. Then it conflicts with section 3.3, which clearly states that the sale of Alita is subject to one of two prerequisites, namely SGX’s consent to the exemption clause or Alita’s delisting.

If not included, that is, as a company listed in Singapore, Alita also needs to be subject to Singapore’s securities laws and regulations. Then how can you use Australian law as a reason to ask Singapore to approve the exemption clause? Singapore is a small country, but it certainly has independent sovereignty. Australian law has no reason to override Singapore. If the liquidator believes that Australian law can override Singapore, then go ahead. Why bother applying to SGX for an exemption clause to let them take the blame?

The liquidator needs to provide more compelling reasons to apply for the exemption.

Part of reason b claims that the transaction with the purchaser and Mineral Resources does not harm the interests of shareholders.

“The Disposal offers the most beneficial proposal available for Shareholders in the circumstances. Other indicative approaches received by the Deed Administrators had not been considered as they offered much less favourable terms, were not practicable in terms of implementation and/or lacked execution certainty.”

The liquidator believes that the current transaction arrangement is the optimal arrangement, and other companies’ proposals were not accepted by the liquidator for three reasons:

· The terms were significantly unfavourable

· The terms lack operational feasibility

· Lack of execution certainty

First of all, we highly appreciate that the liquidator has used these three aspects as selection criteria, reflecting their professionalism.

As investors, we hope the liquidator can disclose more information: in addition to Mineral Resources mentioned in the announcement, which companies have made proposals and which of the above reasons caused them to lose out?

To illustrate, under what circumstances would a proposal be considered infeasible?

Alita has not conducted exploration activities for more than five years. If the proposing party proposes to engage a third party to further explore the minerals and ascertain more reserves before valuation and liquidation, would it be considered infeasible and rejected? For an early-stage mine, is their proposal asking too much?

Speaking of lack of execution certainty, this is what we are most concerned about. Which companies were ruled out for violating this clause, while ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources’ proposals were accepted? However, we can see in Section 3.3 that the transaction is also subject to a prerequisite. Does this prerequisite also imply that they face the same certainty of execution issues?

Reasons d/e claim that failure to promptly approve the exemption clause may miss the opportunity to transact with Mineral Resources, and delay will impair Alita’s net assets. In fact, this statement has some uncertainty. The value of lithium resources is affected by many factors, including supply and demand balance, technological progress, etc. If shareholders’ interests cannot be reasonably protected under current circumstances, why should they cooperate to accelerate processing just for the sake of Mineral Resources and their subsidiary ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd whose name contains a string of numbers?

Part f of the reason claims that under the current situation of Alita, it is difficult and expensive to convene a shareholders’ meeting, and approving the exemption clause saves the most money.

We recognize the liquidator’s consideration of expenses. What we want to know is whether there are more economical and convenient channels than shareholders’ meetings, such as the Internet, to allow direct communication between the liquidator and shareholders to raise doubts and explain questions.

Part g of the reason says that the principle of creditors being compensated before shareholders in liquidation can be realized.

We strongly agree that debt precedes equity, but we cannot accept the possibility of a debt loophole as mentioned earlier. In theory, this is where a debt loophole can exist. For example, now inflating the debt transfers the interests of shareholders to the debtor Austroid, and then after the liquidation is over, transfer these interests back to the purchaser and Mineral Resources through litigation or other arrangements.

Rushing to require SGX to approve the exemption clause, this hasty approach of counting chicks before they hatch is suspecting.


In section 3.2 d, the valuation mechanism contains a payment amount calculated based on whether the existing sales agreement remains in effect.

“a mechanism for calculating a further amount payable depending upon whether the existing offtake agreement remains in place”.

My understanding is that the so-called existing offtake agreement refers to the Chinese company, that is, the sales agreement between Austroid and its affiliated Hong Kong company YiHe, which was criticized by Australian Justice Jenni Hill in court on March 28 this year. Under this agreement, Alita continued to supply lithium ore to YiHe at one-third of the market price as lithium resource prices soared tenfold, leaving Alita with wafer thin profit (the judge’s original words).

Therefore, Justice Hill ordered that in the face of soaring lithium prices and the company’s valuation from zero to A$1.5 billion, shareholders have the right to safeguard their own interests.

My understanding is that since according to the court developments on September 27, the DOCA was abolished and Alita has been freed from the control of creditor Austriod, the sales agreement between Austroid and YiHe is no longer valid. If there is any dispute, it is between the two Chinese companies Austroid and YiHe.

Continuing to execute the agreement can only mean continuing to dump at low prices, continuing to illegally transfer benefits to Hong Kong’s YiHe, and continuing to evade Australian mining taxes.

Of course, these illegal transfers of benefits to YiHe and evaded taxes can be recovered through litigation or other arrangements after Mineral Resources completes the acquisition of Alita. But by then it would only be credited to Mineral Resources and the Australian Treasury, and irrelevant to Alita’s existing shareholders.

So what mechanism is there to compensate Alita’s existing shareholders?

They are victims of dirty deeds, but those who benefit in the end may only be Mineral Resources.


Section 3.2 e of the valuation mechanism also contains taxes related to the Alita transaction payable by Alita.

“provision for further adjustments depending on the tax liabilities of Alita in connection with the transaction”

My understanding is that the transaction here refers only to the sale of assets to the proposing party during this liquidation process. If so, paying taxes according to law is reasonable.

However, one point needs to be stated. The taxes involved in transactions between the time Alita was taken over by the creditor Chinese company Austoid in 2019 and the lifting of the takeover on September 27 this year should be handled by the creditor because they were under the distorted contract operated by the creditor. If Alita has to pay additional mining taxes derived from the distorted contract, it will further transfer shareholders’ interests to YiHe or Austroid and may or may not eventually fall into Mineral Resources’ hands, because according to section 1 (c), the right to recover will also be transferred to the acquiring party in Alita’s liquidation transaction.

Once such transfer of interests occurs, shareholders would be double victims.


The first sentence of Section 6 states that the liquidator is currently unable to provide relevant calculations in tabular form according to Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules of SGX.

“The Liquidators are currently not in a position to set out the relative figures for the Disposal computed based on Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules.”

The liquidator explained that Alita’s audited financial reports (December 2018) and independent expert reports (August 2019, August 2021) were too long ago and may not reflect the current value of Alita.

This statement makes sense. From the chart below,

In December 2018, August 2019, August 2021, the price of lithium carbonate per ton was about 70,700 RMB, 31,800 RMB, 88,000 RMB respectively. After that, it entered a soaring stage. From September 2019 to now, the price per ton ranges from 166,000 to 600,000.

The increase is huge. It can also be seen that Austroid and YiHe did transfer a lot of dirty interests (congratulations to Mineral Resources’ legal team, there will be a lot more business later).

The recent decline in lithium carbonate prices and the Midas Mineral share price plunging from 0.43 in August to below 0.15 show that large institutions are playing tricks, after all they have the power to overturn clouds and rain, for example, Mineral Resources’ Chinese partner Ganfeng Lithium has huge market pricing power.

Note: According to section 2.1 of the announcement, Alita owns 11.33% of Midas Mineral. Therefore, specifically suppressing Midas Mineral during Alita’s valuation is also a plot.

We cannot grasp the overturning of clouds and rain in the market. As shareholders of Alita, we also have doubts about the valuation background provided by the liquidator. Why does the announcement repeatedly mention that under Parents DOCA, investors will receive zero consideration, when Parents DOCA has already been abolished?

Why in Section 6 choose to give the outdated 2018 figures instead of mentioning more recent data such as the A$1.5 billion valuation obtained by the court in March 2023?

When the valuation data is still in the black box, when Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules has not yet been complied with, why urge SGX to urgently approve the exemption clause? Can’t you wait until the valuation data comes out and SGX-related agencies evaluate whether it is fair and reasonable before deciding whether to exempt it?

Alita has a large amount of proven and yet-to-be-proven lithium reserves and thus a big cake. Many parties want to profit exclusively from it. Austroid/YiHe, the unscrupulous Chinese companies, have already put on a show.

Next, we have to see the table manners of Australian companies, Australian liquidators, and various other related parties.

Alita not only involves the interests of tens of thousands of Australian and Singaporean investors but has also received extensive attention from international media and public opinion. Its final compensation, how it is handled, relates to Australia’s honour, relates to investors’ confidence in Australia’s judicial environment, relates to investors’ confidence in Australian stock exchanges and Australian companies, and of course also the confidence in judicial liquidators.

Pay attention to your table manners, public opinion is watching you.

The three liquidators: Robert Michael Kirman, Robert Conry Brauer and Matthew Wayne Caddy

Your names are likely to be preserved in documents for a long time, cherish them.

Final Summary:

Our demands:

1. Disclose more information about the purchaser ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd, including its date of incorporation, registered capital, directors/senior management.

2. According to SGX Catalist Rule 1006, the valuation data should be released and evaluated by relevant SGX institutions for fairness before deciding whether to approve the waiver clause.

3. The proposer should clarify its relationship with several other parties – independent valuator Deloitte, creditor Austroid, lithium purchaser YiHe from Hong Kong, liquidator from McGrathNicol.

4. Disclose the current debt amount and composition of Alita and explain mechanisms to prevent debt entrapment.

5. What capacity expansions and costs were undertaken by Alita during the time it was seized by creditor Austroid? How many shipments and tonnage of lithium were exported and at what unit/total prices?

6. The liquidator should explain whether a third party was introduced for further exploration before liquidation, and what difficulties this poses.

7. Disclose which other companies aside from Mineral Resources and its subsidiaries made proposals, and why each was rejected for lack of feasibility or certainty. Specifically explain why their proposals were considered infeasible or lacking in implementation certainty.

The proposal from ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd and Mineral Resources was accepted, but section 3.3 also sets precedent conditions. Do these conditions also imply they face issues with implementation certainty?

8. Propose channels besides the shareholder meeting for the liquidator to directly communicate with shareholders to address concerns.

9. After the DOCA was terminated, Alita was released from creditor Austroid. Is the offtake agreement between Austroid and YiHe still in effect?

10. Please elaborate on the selection process for the independent third-party valuator. Since Deloitte has already produced reports in previous legal proceedings, please explain in detail why it was selected again this time.


不毛山丰富的锂矿资源,让它成为胆大妄为之徒眼中的肥肉,从锂矿一出生起就不断面临官司,一路走来经历过狐狸(Jonathan Lim)与金瓜哥(Tjandra Adi Pramoko), 也经历过 Austroid 与 Canaccord 等等多年的诉讼,几番波折,原以为随着 2023 年 9 月27 日澳洲法庭的落槌,一切平复,澳洲与新加坡的投资者都能得到合理回报,岁月静好。

没想到 10月2 日出了新公告,凭空冒出了一个新公司 ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 作为购买方,原先频繁提到的 Mineral Resources 退居幕后,成了担保方,同时委任得勤(Deloitte)公司进行估值,出具 独立专家报告 (IER),然而在许多疑问还没有得到很好澄清的情况下, 就匆匆忙忙地设定时间表,要求新交所 (SGX) 在十月二十七日之前批准一个豁免条款或者除牌 Alita.

在目前这种状况下,除牌 Alita 显然会让投资者与公司的沟通渠道更为不畅,不符合新交所保护中小投资者的立场,也有损投资者对新交所的信心。

在新交所凯利板规则的第二部分有明确要求, 卖掉公司需要股东批准 (Section B: Rules of Catalist of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST (Catalist Rules)). 那么一旦豁免了这个要求,投资者几乎就等于被移出了棋盘,在事关自己利益的博弈中毫无发言机会。

在公告第五节洋洋洒洒,用大量篇幅解释申请豁免条款的合理性,我们理解清算人这种见猎心喜的急切心情,但是作为投资人,我们也有合理的权力,要求更加透明,更加深入的解释,破除我们的一些疑问,虽然Alita 目前状况下,召开股东大会有一定困难,但是不能以此作理由,关闭其他可能的沟通渠道。

作为投资者一员,我有下面这些疑问,期待 新交所 在答复澳洲清盘人提出的豁免申请时,能协助我们澄清:

(插一句, 为了集思广益, 朋友们可以点击 阅读原文,仔细研究公告内容,提出疑问,我们总结一下,给新交所提供点材料。不然的话,万一 新交所 为澳洲背黑锅就不值得啦)。


在公告第 2.2 节的第一行声称,本节中关于购买方与 Mineral resources 的信息是他们自己提供,清盘人没有对相关信息的准确性与正确性进行独立验证。

我们想知道的是清盘人是否认为购买方与 Mineral resources 提供的相关信息准确与否一点都不重要?



我们注意到购买方与 Mineral resources 提供的相关信息,内容非常有限,在两个方面需要补充。第一个方面是购买方 ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 的更多信息,它的成立时间,注册资本,董事/高管名单,这些材料有助于验证他们后面的宣称。购买方的名字这么时髦,这么数字化,万一它只是短命的,只是为了替母公司作不可名状之事的短暂存在,那么,它的董事/高管信息就更重要, 需要披露出来,以备未来追索。

第二个方面是,购买方与 Mineral resources提供的相关信息,仅仅撇清说它们不持有 Alita 公司的股票也与Alita 公司的董事/大股东没有关联, 它们也没有和Alita 公司的董事/大股东,以及清盘人有任何私下交易及预先安排。 且不说这个撇清的有效性,在没有独立查证情况下,是否存在道德风险,单从利益相关角度,是否也应当澄清与另外几方的关系———-独立评估方得勤 (Deloitte), 债权持有人 Austroid, 锂矿石购买方香港公司YiHe, 清盘人来自的公司 McGrathNicol.

为何与债权持有人 Austroid的关系也需要澄清,是因为理论上这儿可以容纳一个债务圈套 (loop),比如说现在把债务作大,股票持有人的利益,被转移给债务人Austroid, 然后等清盘结束后,再通过追索或其他安排,把这部分利益转回给购买方与 Mineral resources。当然我无意指控购买方及 Mineral resources 会与债权持有人 Austroid 作这种债务圈套。但是,清盘人需要解释,有什么机制能防止这种恶性事件的发生。另外,现在的债务数额是多少,这个关键信息为何仍不披露。


公告第5节列举从 a 到 g 总共七大理由要求新交所 (SGX) 豁免履行凯利板规则的第二部分责任(Section B: Rules of Catalist of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST (Catalist Rules))。

理由 a 部分, Alita 在清盘中,根据澳洲法律,清盘人在得到债权人首肯后,无需任何第三方(包括股票持有人)同意,就可以卖出 Alita 的动产和不动产。

The Liquidators do not require any other consent of any third party (including Shareholders)
to perform their duties.

这里清盘人有必要澄清所谓的第三方,是否也包括 新交所。

如果包括,就是说无需新交所同意,就可以仅凭澳洲法律行事, 那么与前面的第 3.3 节产生了矛盾,在那一节中明确说明,卖出Alita 的交易需要符合两个先决条件中的一个, 也就是新交所同意豁免条款或者将Alita 退市。

如果不包括,就是说 Alita 作为在新加坡上市的公司,同样需要接受新加坡证券法规的管理,那么你如何把澳洲法律已同意,作为要求新加坡批准豁免条款的理由?新加坡是个小国家,但是绝对是有独立主权的,澳洲法律没有凌驾新加坡的理由。如果清盘人认为澳洲法律可以凌驾新加坡,那么敢敢作就是了,何必申请 SGX 的豁免条款,让他们背黑锅?


理由 b 部分,公告宣称同购买方及 Mineral resources 的交易不损害股票持有人利益。

The Disposal offers the most beneficial proposal available for Shareholders in the circumstances.
Other indicative approaches received by the Deed Administrators had not been considered as they offered much less favorable terms, were not practicable in terms of implementation and/or lacked
execution certainty.






我们作为投资人,希望清盘人能披露更多信息,除了公告中提到的 mineral resource 之外,还有哪些公司提出了献议,他们分别是因为以上哪条理由而出局的。



说到缺乏执行确定性,这条是我们最为关心的,哪些公司是触犯这条而出局的, ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 及 Mineral resources的献议 获得接纳, 但是我们可以看到在 第 3.3 小节,对交易也设有前提条件,这个先决条件是否也意味着,同样存在有执行确定性的问题?

理由 d/e 部分,清盘人认为,不能及时批准豁免条款,将可能失去与mineral resource 交易的机会,拖延下去,会侵害 Alita 净资产。这个说法其实有一定不确定性,锂矿资源的价值受很多因素影响,包括供需平衡,科技进步等等。如果股票持有人利益在目前状况下无法得到合理保障,那么有什么理由要求他们配合加速处理,仅仅是为了mineral resource 和他们那个名字中含一串数字的子公司 ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 吗?

理由 f 部分,清盘人认为目前不毛山的状况,召开股东大会难度大,花费高,批准豁免条款最为省钱。


理由 g 部分,清盘中债权人补偿顺序优于股权人的原则得以实现。

我们非常同意债权优于股权,但是我们无法接受可能出现债务圈套, 正如前面所述,理论上这儿可以容纳一个债务圈套 (loop),比如说现在把债务作大,股票持有人的利益,被转移给债务人Austroid, 然后等清盘结束后,再通过追索或其他安排,把这部分利益转回给购买方与 Mineral resources。

在急急忙忙中要求 SGX 批准豁免,这种萝卜快了不洗泥的做法令人疑虑。


在 3.2 d 小节,估价机制中根据现有购销协议是否存续而计算一个支付数额。

a mechanism for calculating a further amount payable depending upon whether the existing offtake
agreement remains in place;

我的理解,所谓的现有购销协议 (existing offtake agreement)指的是中资公司,即 Austroid 与 勾连方香港 YiHe 公司之间的购销协议,也就是今年三月二十八日澳洲黑尔法官(Justice Jenni Hill)在法庭中所诟病的那份协议,在锂矿资源飙涨十倍的情况下,该协议下,不毛山持续以市场价三折的价格向YiHe供应锂矿, 仅留给 Alita 微薄的利润 ( 法官原话: wafer-thin margins)。

因而黑尔法官谕令,在锂矿石价格暴涨,公司估值从零到 15 亿澳元的情况下,股票持有人有权维护自身利益。

我的理解,既然根据九月二十七日法庭进展,DOCA 废止,Alita 已经从 债权人 Austriod 手中解脱,那么 Austroid 与 YiHe 之间的购销协议,已经不再具备有效性。如果有争议也是Austroid 与 YiHe 两家中资公司之间的事。

如果继续执行该协议,只能是继续低价倾销,继续把利益向香港YiHe 非法转移,继续少交澳洲政府矿业税。

当然这些非法转移给 YiHe的利益和偷漏的税金,在 Mineral resources 完成购并 Alita 之后,是有可能通过诉讼或其他安排追索回来的,但是那时候只是 Mineral resources 以及澳洲财政部的进账,与Alita 现有股东已经无关了。

那么有什么机制来补偿 Alita 现有股东呢?

他们是肮脏行为的受害者,最后受益的却可能是 Mineral resources 而已.


在 3.2 e 小节,估价机制中还包含Alita 要支付的与交易相关的税金

provision for further adjustments depending on the tax liabilities of Alita in connection with the


但是,需要表明一点。从 2019 年 Alita 被债权人扣押到今年九月二十七日解除扣押之间这段时间的交易,所涉及的税金是在扭曲的合同下由债权人操办的,如果需要补交矿业税,应当由债权人来处理。如果基于扭曲合同,衍生的补交矿税让 Alita 承担,就将进一步把股权人利益转移给 YiHe 或 Austroid, 最后也许会也许不会落入 Mineral resources 手中,因为根据第一节 ( c ), 追索权将在 Ailita 清盘交易中,一并转交购并方。



第 6 节,第一句 清盘人无法依据 新交所凯利板规则 1006 条款提供相关计算的图表

The Liquidators are currently not in a position to set out the relative figures for the Disposal computed based on Rule 1006 of the Catalist Rules.

清盘人解释说 Alita 经审计的财务报告 (2018 十二月),独立专家报告 (2019 八月, 2021八月)都很久远, 可能无法反映目前不毛山的价值。

这个说法是合理的, 从下图可以看出,

2018 年十二月,2019 年八月, 2021 年八月,碳酸锂吨价分别约为 7.07, 3.18, 8.8 万元 人民币, 此后进入飙涨阶段,从 2019 年九月到现在,吨价在 16.6 万到 60 万之间。

这个涨幅非常巨大, 也可以看出 Austroid 与 YiHe 确实转移了很多黑心利益 (恭喜 Mineral resources 的律师团队,后面有很多生意啦)。

最近碳酸锂价格下跌,以及 Midas Mineral 股价从八月的 )0.43 急跌到 0.15 以下,处处都显示有大机构在做文章,他们毕竟有翻云覆雨的能力,比如 Mineral Resources 的中国合作伙伴 赣锋锂业(ganfeng lithium) 就拥有巨大的市场定价权。

注: 根据公告 2.1,Alita 拥有 11.33% 的Midas Mineral , 因而在对 Alita估值期间,格外打压Midas Mineral,也是算计之作。

市场的翻云覆雨我们无法把握。作为不毛山股票持有者,我们对清盘人提供的估价背景也有疑问,为什么在公告中多次提到根据 Parents DOCA,投资者将获得零对价,要知道 Parents DOCA已经是废止的啊。

为什么在第 6节中宁可给出时间久远的 2018 年数值, 锂价飙涨前夜的 2021 年八月估值, 却不肯提到更近的数据,比如 2023 年三月,法庭得到的那个 15 亿澳元的估值?

在估值数据还在暗箱之中的时候,在凯利板规则 1006 条款仍未得到遵从的时候,为何要急急忙忙劝诱 SGX 批准豁免条款?等估值数据出炉, SGX相关机构评估是否公平合理之后,再决定是否豁免不行吗?

不毛山有大量已经探明以及等待探明的锂矿储量,是一块肥肉,很多方面都想吃独食,中资缺德公司 Austroid/ YiHe 已经表演过了。


Alita 不仅涉及成千上万的澳洲投资人,新加坡投资人的利益,也得到国际媒体, 社会舆论的广泛关注,它最后的补偿如何,关系着澳洲的荣誉,关系着投资人对澳洲司法环境的信心,关系着投资人对澳洲股票交易所,澳洲公司的信心,当然还有对司法清盘人的信心。

请注意吃相, 舆论看着您呢。。

三位清盘人: Robert Michael Kirman, Robert Conry Brauer and Matthew Wayne Caddy




1.披露购买方 ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 的更多信息,它的成立时间,注册资本,董事/高管名单。

2.根据新加坡凯利板规则 1006 条款, 在估值数据出炉, SGX相关机构评估是否公平合理之后,才决定是否批准豁免条款。

3. 献议方澄清与另外几方的关系———-独立评估方得勤 (Deloitte), 债权持有人 Austroid, 锂矿石购买方香港公司YiHe, 清盘人来自的公司 McGrathNicol.

4. 公布目前Alita 的债务数量与构成,解释有什么机制防止债务圈套发生。

5. Alita 在被债权人中资公司 Austoid 扣押期间,进行过哪些产能建设,花费多少?在同时期输出了多少船,多少万吨的锂矿石,矿石单价与总价多少?

6. 清盘人解释,是否有引入第三方,对矿产作进一步勘探之后,再清盘的可能,困难在哪儿?

7. 披露除了公告中提到的 mineral resource及其子公司之外, 还有哪些公司提出了献议,他们分别是因为哪条理由而出局的。具体解释为何他们的献议被认为不具备可操作性或者缺乏执行确定性。

ACN 669 538 809 Pty Ltd 及 Mineral resources的献议 获得接纳, 但是我们可以看到在 第 3.3 小节,对交易也设有前提条件,这个先决条件是否也意味着,他们同样面临执行确定性的问题?


9. 在DOCA 废止后,Alita 已经从 债权人 Austriod 手中解脱, Austroid 与 YiHe 之间的购销协议 (Offtake Agreement)是否仍在执行。

10. 请详述挑选独立第三方出具价值评估报告的过程,得勤(Deloitte)在前几年的司法程序中已经出具过报告,既然这次又是花落它家,那么请详细介绍它的入选过程。

与不毛山相关连的两件事——宝威 & 寇宛山

不毛山从锂矿勘探到建产能,再到船运出货已经是五年前的事了,当时耳熟能详的四家公司,澳洲塔瓦纳 (Tawana), 星洲不毛山 (原名 Alliance mineral), 香港宝威 (Burwill), 和中国江特,都已经渐渐模糊,有必要更新一下一些后续。

江特是负责精炼矿石,制造碳酸锂,作锂电池原料的,可谓是链条的最下游,当上游的三个公司水深火热的时候,它曾经一度暴涨数倍,其中内情耐人寻味,如今依然是中国 A股上市公司 (有传言 构陷不毛山的 CHEL,Austroid 都是它的马甲)。

塔瓦纳 (Tawana)负责开矿运作,后来分出一小队马,加一片外围地块,成立了寇宛山(Cowan)锂业,后来 Tawana 与 不毛山合并的时候,原先持有 Tawana 股票的人,除了手中的 Tawana 获得 1.1 倍的不毛山股票之外,还分得了 Cowan 的股票(当时未上市),Tawana 退出澳交所。

Alliance mineral 是矿山持有者,负责相关地契,矿山租约,及政府准证等事宜,后来与 Tawana 合并后,更名阿丽塔 (Alita),在新加坡上市, 2019 年陷入中资公司构筑的债务陷阱后,开始停牌, 在2021 年的法庭判决中,债权方中资公司获得批准可以零对价无偿划拨 Alita 股票,Alita股票持有者将得不到任何赔偿。后来此法庭判决没有得到澳洲外国投资资格审查局(FIRB)批准,因而不毛山股票继续有效,但是中资公司 Austroid,将不毛山资产扣押在自己手中,疯狂地在不毛山开挖,并勾结香港的YiHe 公司以市场价的 三成贱卖不毛山出产的锂矿,造成 不毛山一面出矿,一面负债上升,实际利润被非法转移境外,并且偷漏了应交的澳洲矿税。与此同时,中资公司继续要求吞并不毛山,幸好今年三月法庭宣布在锂价暴涨十多倍的情况下,不毛山股票持有者有权为自己利益而战,此后进入密集司法程序,终于在九月二十七日,废止 DOCA, 不毛山摆脱中资公司的扣押,进入清盘程序,接下来看 Mineral Resources 能给出多少对价,拭目以待。


宝威控股 (00024.HK)是在香港上市的,负责贸易和船运事宜, 在不毛山出事后,也陷入困境,根据香港联交所公告:








最后该说说寇宛山( Cowan) 了。当初通过 澳交所买入 Tawana 的朋友可能会发现,自己的股票池中,现在莫名其妙多出了一只股票叫 Midas minerals (ASX: MM1).


敢敢地在澳交所卖出它,多少能挽回点损失。当然也可以继续拿,这种大波动股票, 未来也可能出现比八月的 0.43 元更好的机会。


宝威(00024.HK Burwill) 这家公司其实与中共崛起颇有渊源,早在中共僻居陕北延安时期,就由周恩来领导下的中共特科在香港成立,专门把陕北的矿产,烟土,农产送到香港贸易,为延安换取急需的药品,器械,武器,通讯物资,贡献良多,中共建政后,宝威也一直在香港运作,与王震将军也颇有渊源,在世纪初的中澳铁矿石大战中也曾立过奇功。


国家经济面临困难,阙文斌 阙麦克(阙钢) 这对缺德父子,在购买私人飞机,私人游艇的当儿,不知道是否会从亿万不义之财中,退出一部分,为国抒困,还是要一条道走到黑,坐等社会主义铁拳的降临。



新篇章——不毛山回来了 (Alita resources)

昨天,2023 年9 月27 日,澳洲黑尔法官(Justice Hill) 聆讯,最后谕令:

一旦 DOCA 终止,阿丽塔即可进入清盘程序。

得到谕令后,委托执行人在第一时间,立即签署了终止文件,(其实根据日落条款,九月五日下午四点后,他随时都有权签署), DOCA 的废止,意味着不毛山已经从债权人 (那家缺德的中资公司 Austroid) 手中解脱回来了,但是根据谕令立即委任了三个清盘人,由他们执行将不毛山资产卖出,在清偿债务之后,剩余部分分发给不毛山股票持有者。

接下来,不毛山将并入矿业大佬 Mineral Resources 旗下,与马荣山 (Mt marion) 一起成为西澳锂业旗帜),阿丽塔原有股东, 将获得现金或股票对价。

后面,是否要向缺德中资公司 Austroid 和 Yihe 发起复仇之战,追索他们非法利润转移及偷漏矿税问题,也将会由 Mineral Resources 来定夺。

感谢 Canaccord Gunuity 这家加拿大投行多年来在法庭上的不懈战斗!






1.不毛山目前总股份: 14.8 亿股

2. 总债务: 大约 2.5 亿 (包括2020年以前的欠款 0.45亿,利息,以及这几年的新投入,两家缺德公司的利润转移不计入)

3. 三月 Canaccord 提供的法庭文件,不毛山估值 16亿澳币

4. 有传言嘉能可献议 18 亿澳元

5. 锂矿山狮子镇 (liontown resources) 最近被澳洲亿万富翁以 61 亿价格并购。

6. 据澳洲方面某矿业人士四月份估计,将矿山卖掉并偿还债务后,剩下的价值大约是 3–5 亿澳元。

7. 有传言,Mineral resources 的出价是 10亿澳元 (不清楚是否是承担债务后的净出价)

8. Mineral resources 是澳洲五十家最大市值公司之一,业务涵盖 铁矿石、采矿服务、锂矿, 2021 年营收 37亿,净收入 19 亿。该公司最近在发债,筹措资金 为并购不毛山作准备,可以密切留意该公司公告。

9. 个人认为,澳洲可能会更倾向于让 Mineral resources 接手, 嘉能可,力拓加入战局可能不大。

10. 新币与澳币兑换率 1.14


[(16-2.5)+ 10]/2/14.8/1.14 = 0.6964

大约每股 70 分新币,当然也可能给 MR的股票。

朋友们有空到 Mineral resources 网站去逛逛,有消息来分享哦。

在网上查到 financial review 一篇文章

MinRes wins fight for Bald Hill lithium mine after court hearing


MinRes boosted its war chest for potential lithium deals and expansion on Tuesday when it turned to the US bond market for $US850 million ($1.325 billion) in new debt funding. MinRes said on September 4 that it did not intend to raise equity to fund the Bald Hill acquisition.

Bald Hill is expected to cost MinRes several hundred million dollars. The price is subject to an independent expert valuation.

MinRes has said it will pay out the secured debt in acquiring Alita’s interest in Bald Hill and that the deal will provide a material return to Alita.

MinRes has also referred to allegations that, under a complex ownership structure, the mine operated at a loss “with profits transferred overseas via an offtake agreement with a Hong Kong-registered entity, Yihe Cleantech Material Limited”.

“It has been alleged that this offtake agreement has also led to an under-payment of state royalties. MinRes’ successful acquisition of the Bald Hill mine will ensure that the mine is being operated by an experienced Australian ASX-listed lithium miner, and any profits are generated and taxes and royalties paid in Australia to the benefit of Australian taxpayers,” MinRes said on September 4.


  1. Mineral resources 在美国发行 13.25 亿澳元债券为锂矿并购融资,无意配发股票
  2. 并购不毛山花费在数亿。
  3. 给alita 有意义的回报。
  4. 对缺德公司的供货合同涉及的利润转移和偷漏矿税提出质疑

【2023 秋季点金】——–union steel


总股份只有 39.378 米林股, 八月公布的年报, 11 米林净利,增长 52%, 每股盈利 EPS 28 分, 每股净资产 NAV 197 分, 以 90分股价计算, 市盈率 只有 3.2 , 市净率只有 0.46, 这样的估值水平显然严重偏低。

提议十月年终分红每股 5 分, 是去年的5 倍。手中现金 22米林, 每股合 55分现金,这样充沛的现金流,是很好的并购或者私有化对象。

目前前二十股东持有超过 83% 的股份, 薄饼大王魏成辉是其第二大股东, 第三大股东 Ang Yew Chye 是其CEO, 他在持续收集公司股票。



【免责声明】 本文仅为个人观点分享,并不构成任何投资建议。投资者请作好自己的功课,并为自己投资行为负责。


建材供应 (好日子)

BRC asia steel 建筑钢 2018 年 兼并 Lee metal, 2023 年整合完毕,占本地市场逾 50%,有较大议价权,但 根据反垄断法,在本地 不可能进一步购并了,未来目标是澳洲,同时马来亚工厂将供应新山马六甲市场,

PE 5.97 yield 6.59% , 3QFY2003 盈利涨 11%, 订单 13.4 亿,需求强劲

第一大股东游振华 (prosperity steel united Singapore 的老板,在东南亚区域钢铁市场有显著影响力),第二大股东 HLA,

Hong Leong Asia 预混凝土主要供应商 (拥有 BRC 20% 股份),由于预制件技术的推进, 有与 BRC深度合作趋势,目前在 BRC 有两席董事位置。公司背靠丰隆集团,因而胃口有点大,摊子铺得开,水泥方面有日本供应商 Taihaiyo, 同时在印尼马来亚购并采石场烧制水泥,在下游与马来西亚 Sunway construction group 合资,在榜鹅的 Barat 岛开办本地最大的集成建筑及预制中心,公司有200 多六立方卡车车队。接下来将发展 12 立方车队,并采取两项绿色标准改进(以花岗石屑替代沙子,以煤烟灰替代部分水泥)。从经营看这个公司需要几年时间才能整合完毕,慢慢赶上 PUC的步伐,毕竟是富人家孩子,可以慢成长。

Pan United Corporation 盈利增 18% 特制预混凝土及水泥供应商 (市场占有率仅次于 HLA)

Union Steel 盈利增 52% 工程及脚手架业务


建筑公司 (坏日子)

Koh brother, Wee Hur, Lum chang 全部亏损,因原材料与劳工价格上涨因素


宿舍租赁业 (劳工、学生)

centurion corp 目前受益于供不应求, 租金上涨, 半年盈利增长 16%


总体来说,造船复苏了,船坞供不应求,海上油井投资开始上升,海上风电场建设蓬勃发展,然而经过多年的低迷之后,海事公司分化严重,有的踏浪而歌,有的载沉载浮,有的折戟沉沙。Edge 有几个图表,大致总结如下:

踏浪而歌 (Riding the waves)

Seatrium 由 Sembcorp marine 与吉宝海事合并而来,有造船,油井,海上风能安装等全套能力,200亿订单, 淡马锡持有 38% 股份, 海峡指数成分股,交货量今年 2.37亿,明年六亿,后年 33 亿,在蓝筹公司中未来三年应当是最强劲的一个。

Dyna-Mac 这个公司在九分一线已经讨论过,参见

Dyna Mac —–犬齿,等待时机

当时的结论是一旦它的订单超过 200M, 就进入蓬勃期,目前订单是 608 M。股价 38 分,再次耐心等它调整。

Macro Polo 造船,公司已经驶过艰难阶段,重整成功

MTQ 公司将固守中东的油气业客户,避免过度扩张

Kim Heng

ASL marine

Atlantic Navigation

Pacific Radiance

载沉载浮 (Treading water)

BH Global

Nam Cheong

Amos Group

XMH holding

CH offshore

Mermaid Maritime

折戟沉沙 (Sailed and sunk)

Ausgroup, JES international, KS energy, Ezra Holding, Triyard , EMAS, EZion, Kris Energy, SBI offshore, Swiber, holding.

关于 COE ,分享几张图

下面两张图以A组为例, 可以看出拥车证的供应量及成交价负相关非常之明显,而十年周期波动也非常之鲜明。

要想省钱, 踏准节奏真的很重要。

下一个供应高峰在 2026 年,

价格低谷在 2029 年。


COE 大趋势

没鱼, 虾也好———说说中国的免签证入境政策



除了 30 天免签证入境海南岛,然后与亲友家人共聚天涯海角之外, 其他地区还有不同的免签证入境政策。

由于和中国的特殊关系, 坡人长期以来一直享有 15 天免签的待遇,自然很少人去关注其他时效更短的免签政策, 如今情况不同了,既然 15 天免签不见了,我们了解一下短期免签,毕竟,没鱼虾也好。

实际上中国一直有 24 小时, 72 小时,144 小时的免签入境政策, 尤其是 24 小时的,几乎开放给世界所有国家,这对于一个管理严格的国家来说,真的是很不容易。而72 小时和 144 小时, 仅针对 53 个国家,包括新加坡,


Visa-free transit regulations for foreign travelers to China

China Resumes 144-hour Visa-Free Transit Policy for Foreigners – Who Can Apply?


上海 144 小时免签证政策

在个人看来其实 144 小时也差不多是可以了,一来可以免除排队签证之苦,二来每年就有理由多跑两次了。






  1. 这个免签是限定区域的,只能在该区域内活动,并且有指定的出入境关口。 大的区域包括 京津冀,沪浙苏,广东,山东,辽宁 这类东部沿海区域,内陆区域基本上就是几个城市,理论上不能出城。

2. 关于 144 小时的计算,是从入境那天起的下一日凌晨 零点零分开始计算,所以实际允许时间会略超过144 小时。

3. 理论上讲,这种免签是提供过境便利的,所以入境时的出发地与离境时的目的地必须是不同的。比如说 从新加坡飞广东,六天后从广东飞回新加坡是不可以的, 但是如果采用 新加坡—–广州—–澳门 (或香港)—–新加坡 就可以了。所以这个政策,其实是鼓励大家去港澳过一下境,当然对他们来说就是政策牛肉,对中国的航空公司来说,要跑掉一些业务。

4. 一个有意思的事情是,其他区域只能从机场或海港入境,而北京和上海却可以从火车站入境,一个合理的猜测是,这两地之间其实是可以相互跑的,至于会不会另外给 144 小时,弗得知。

5. 别人总结的流程:
(1)在第一次办理登机的时候就要告诉航空人员你是要去 144 hour visa-free transit 的,否则他们会因为你没有中国签证而不给登机牌。而且大概率办理人员会是第一次办理。因为毕竟是相对的新事物,又被疫情中断了3年。只需要温和坚定的告诉他们这个一定可以,让他们去请示资深人员。

(2)入境走专用的 144 通道,

(3)填表格使用专门的 《外国人临时入境》。




鉴于国内把澳门和香港都按境外地区处理, 所以如果愿意的话可以把他们作为中转, 反复进出充分用足这个 144 小时免签政策, 比如有人在网上分享自己成功在中国 happy 20 天,增肥10 斤的开心经历。

第一次144小时,路线是:新加坡 –>上海–逛吃逛吃6天后–杭州–>香港;全程飞机票。

第二次144小时,路线是:香港 –>广州–>深圳–>澳门–>香港。其中香港 –>广州是飞机,其余是渡轮。澳门只经过了澳门码头停留了45分钟用来进出关,因为不能直接从深圳回去香港,所以只好跳去澳门绕个圈子。

第三次144小时,路线是:香港 –>上海–逛吃逛吃6天后–>新加坡。

这个让我想起20 多年前刚到狮城的时候, 碍于身份, 到大马玩需要到福康宁山下的马来西亚最高专员公署,排队去签证, 长长队伍中,除了我们这些学生,经常夹有一些神女,一边排队,一边告诉我们,她们在新加坡的短签证要过期了, 需要到海峡对岸的新山,吃碗面, 然后再入境新加坡,重新获得 30 天逗留许可。神女们一边排队,一边还不忘做作推介广告,拉拉潜在客户,穿着清凉,谈吐温文, 谈谈说说,长时间的排队也就没那么烦闷了。

海婷(Seatrium): 距离进入 STI 成分股还有多远?

关于新加坡海峡指数 STI大家都不陌生,每天股市的涨跌都是以此标准作判断,具体数值是按三十支成分股的涨跌并根据权重计算出来的,而一些 大型ETF基本上就是按这个权重进行配置的。



今天我们来看看新加坡海峡指数的条例,看看 海婷 (Seatrium) 距离进入成分股还有多远。


我们直接跳到第 12 页 5.0 章节

5.0 季度审核时的纳入与剔除

5.2.1 在季度审核中纳入和剔除证券的规则旨在为 STI 成分股的选取提供稳定性,同时通过包括或排除大幅上涨或下跌的证券来确保该指数继续代表市场。

5.2.2 审核时,STI 的所有成分股必须是富时海峡时报全股指数的现有或备选成分股,即审核将考虑富时罗素公布的富时海峡时报全股指数的任何成分股变化,因此将在这些变更的实施日期之前进行。

5.2.3 如果某家公司按总市值(在应用任何可投资性权重之前)在合资格证券的排名升至 20 位或以上,则其将在季度审核时被纳入 STI。

5.2.4 如果 STI 的某家成分股公司按总市值(在应用任何可投资性权重之前)在合资格证券的排名降至 41位或以下,则其将在季度审核时被剔除。

5.2.5 STI 将维持固定数量的成分股。如果有资格被纳入指数的公司数量多于达到被剔除门槛的公司数量,则指数中目前排名最低的成分股将被剔除,以确保在季度审核中被纳入和剔除的公司数量相同。同样,如果达到被剔除门槛的公司数量多于有资格被纳入的公司数量,则目前未包括在指数中的排名最高的公司将被纳入,以与在季度审核中被剔除的公司数量保持平衡。

5.2.6 如果某家公司在富时罗素、新交所和 SPH 批准对指数进行季度变更后、但在季度变更实施之前被从STI 中剔除,新“备选名单”(参见规则 5.3 )中排名最高的非现有成分股公司将取代被剔除的公司。



目前海婷市值 88 亿,在新加坡股市中排名第 19 位,在候选名单中名列第一,可以说十拿九稳了。




快讯: 风能王者 海婷 再添五亿订单

海庭 ( seatrium) 出世






2023 年5 月12 日公司发布一季度经营通报, 除了详细通报了现有的二百多亿订单项目,现有项目执行情况,以及新能源占订单 39% 之外, 主要看点其实是财务方面:

  1. 2021 年发行的认购权证 (right issue )筹集 15 亿资金, 目前还有六亿, 加上完工项目的回款,现金流足够满足运营需求。说明目前没有再次发行认购权或其他融资的必要, 消除了投资者的担心。
  2. 债务与总资产之比从上季度的026 降至0.18, 债务负担显著降低。

此前市场一直担心它现金流不足,需要再融资, 看起来是过虑了。

快讯: 风能王者 海婷 再添五亿订单

海婷 (Seatrium, 前译 海庭)在今日闭市后,又宣布了五亿新币的海上风能合同,涉及在纽约长岛的两吉瓦风能项目。

目前总订单已经达到了 235 亿新币。



The Group is currently working on three 2GW HVDC (high voltage direct current)
offshore converter platform projects for offshore wind farm projects in the Netherlands
secured at end March 2023. Other key wind energy projects in progress include a
1.4GW HVDC offshore converter platform for the Sofia Offshore Wind Farm for UK
North Sea
operation, a HVDC offshore converter platform and an onshore converter
station for the DolWin 5 Offshore Wind Farm in the German North Sea, as well as two
440MW wind farm substation projects for the U.S. market, and a 600MW offshore wind
farm offshore substation platform for the Taiwan market.
In addition, the Group is working on a next-generation WTIV newbuild for Maersk
Supply Service, as well as the engineering, procurement and construction of a WTIV
newbuild for Dominion Energy.


另据 CGS-CIMB 研报,公司在澳洲 20亿美金的项目,有望在二季度拿下, 公司总订单将超过 240亿,此数额超过以前高峰期 2012–2014 年间 ,公司两大前身 (sembcorp marine, kepple offshore & marine)的总订单之和。研报给出的目标价是 0.19 元。


海庭 ( seatrium) 出世

海庭 ( seatrium) 出世

在四月六日的博文 豹哥还活着,说几件狗血故事 中, 豹某已经预告了海庭的出世,想了解前尘往事的,可以直奔该文第三小节, Semcorp marine 与 kepple offshore & marine 的重组与 新生。

从二月二十八日,通过反向收购合并以来,一切有条不紊进行,kepple offshore & marine 的人马已经接管了整体运作, 昨天, 2023 年4 月27 日,股东大会正式批准合并后的 sembcorp marine 更名 Seatrium, 中文 海庭。


新加坡在岸外海事方面是有全球性地位的,比如说在海上油井建设热潮的时候,全球 85% 以上的海上井架来自新加坡,那时候,sembcorp marine 的股价是三元之上的 (最高到过 4.66 新币)。

海上油井建设周期性强, 周期间隔长,按常理算,距离下一次岸外海事的好日子,差不多还需要近二十年。

然而, 时代变了,游戏规则变了。

触发因素就是人类向清洁能源的迈进, 前些年,最大的明星是太阳能,中国从中贡献最大,也获得了最大的收益。








“Seatrium is a combination of two words — sea and atrium. It is a reflection of the business and its aspiration to be a premier global player providing innovative engineering solutions for the offshore, marine and energy industries,” it explained.

Whatever Sembcorp Marine chooses to call itself, it will remain Singapore’s largest shipyard group with a current net order book worth SGD 18bn ($13.5m) and 40 ongoing projects in the oil, gas, LNG, renewables and low-carbon energy sectors and.

手中握着 180亿 新币的订单,名字叫什么已经不重要了,银行会如蝇附腥一般跟过来。


Seatrium 最近那个风能合同有多大?

3月30日, sembcorp marine 与合作伙伴 GE, 在欧洲拿到一个 海上风能大合同, 价值 20亿欧元 (30 亿新币),工期5 年, 风能装机容量 6 吉瓦。

那么6 吉瓦的海上风电场,到底是多大呢? 现成的对比就是,深圳大亚湾核电站,一共两期工程,对香港供电,总装机就是 2 吉瓦。

1 吉瓦大约对应30 万户家庭,100万人口的电力需求。



平台支撑部分九千多吨,上方两万五千多吨,电缆从桩脚部分导入。 这样的平台比起海上钻井平台,另有不同,但是海上施工的王者仍然是王者,这就是 seatrium 能在清洁能源转型中,夺得先机的原因。


加上最近这30 亿,seatrium 总订单 230 亿了。


总股份 682 亿 ( 2012 年总股份 20亿, 2020 年以 20 分价格发104 亿 新股, 2021 年以 8 分价格发 188 亿新 股,2023 年合并吉宝岸外与海事, 以368亿新股支付。

五月一日市值 88.7 亿新币

目前订单中的 180 亿是吉宝岸外与海事的嫁妆,工期基本在2023—-2026.





前一段看新闻,说杀猪盘攻陷旧金山,硅谷的科技精英,一众直男们损失惨重,盖因从来没有接触过如此精妙的剧本,缺乏免疫力, 甚至连老外也不能幸免,在线翻译软件已经能帮助老千们突破语言藩篱,摄取目标了。

这新闻看得我笑咪咪的,硅谷精英,也着此道,哈哈 哈哈。

今天咱说两个 光猪脱逃 的范例, 看看豹哥和他的朋友如何幸运地躲过被宰杀的命运.

话说在 2017 年,杀猪盘这个词还没有产生,起码还没有达到我的认知范围的时候,我就遭遇了最早期实验剧本。


当时有一个据说是很有名望的投资分析师,很年轻,刚三十出头,拉了一个群, 因为他正在参加一个香港的证券投资大赛,需要大家在线投票,帮他哄抬人气,当然他也会每天线上分享几十分钟的投资经验, 群里面有他的女助理,帮他和大家沟通,活跃气氛。


靓女非常的会聊天,积极热情,嘘寒问暖,还乐于袒露自己,很快地我就大概勾勒出了她的轨迹, 年纪二十七八,在杭州上的大学,毕业后在深圳发展,投资有道, 目前开着一个档次不错的花店,最近和男朋友分手,情绪有点低落。


豹某虽然俗, 但是还是看出来了点问题,此女显然不是分析师 (王钢)的助理,因为她并不参加群里的事务沟通, 什么时候开讲座了,到哪儿投票啦,如何提交问题啦, 她似乎就是想找人倾诉, 那么根据名字 (王婷)看, 莫非是他的妹妹?


聊几次之后,靓女情绪好了,开始把话题往投资上引, 于是我就问她香港市场接下来的看法,具体哪几个领域值得特别关注,她楞了一下,过了很久才回复了一段。








这事结束后一两个月,国内开始铺天盖地报道微信杀猪盘, 基本套路都是失恋的靓女,在微信上聊天,博取同情和关心后,一步一步让你去买她爷爷在高山上的天价茶叶,或者陈年老灵芝。读了几例之后,大概就明白了,基本上都是利用异性之间的荷尔蒙效应,让你上了头,自动往砧板上送。



于是我开始深入浅出地给他讲述关于 利比豆 (libido) 对保持生命活力的重要性,脑垂体与肾上腺素分泌关系, 印度弄🐍 人为何专挑眼睛王蛇等等, Blah Blah, 总之逗逗美女蛇,促进荷尔蒙与多巴胺分泌,作为老朋友我绝对不会鄙视你,但是你要是被蛇咬了, 起码容我大笑三天。


再见面的时候, 他满面疑惑地让我看一个港股,这个股妖得异常,基本面可以说是一无所有,居然蹭蹭蹭涨几十倍了,从几分钱直奔一元大关。一问之下,才知道原来老朋友已经在美女带领下,走上了投机的康庄大道。不仅买她指导的股,甚至买完还要发转账单给她看。








这就是 linkedin, 大名“领英”, 本来是一个专业人士展示交流的平台,如今每天通过平台要加你的,清一色俊男美女,里面起码95% 是骗子,攻陷硅谷的就是这批才俊。





停更这么久,总会有些故事要分享, 今天就先讲几件狗血反转的故事吧。

  1. Alita resources 的最新判决与展望
  2. OKP 的仲裁与反转
  3. Semcorp marine 与 kepple offshore & marine 的重组与 新生
  4. 两个煤矿的分野告诉了什么
  5. 豹哥停更之谜

先立 flag, 买菜回来进正文。


  1. Alita resources 的最新判决与展望

说到 Alita 许多人有点陌生,其实就是几年前闹得沸沸扬扬的 Alliance Minerals, 大名不毛山, 曾给许多人带来欢乐,憧憬,惶恐,痛苦,与眼泪。

原本是西澳距离南部港口 200 公里左右的一座秃山,从上世纪六十年代起,就陆续开采过煤,铁矿石之类, 2016 年发现了锂储量,于是紧锣密鼓地勘探,融资,快速上产能 , 股价也从几分钱跃升到最高的四毛五左右, 就在大家兴奋地预测它的价值在最少一两元甚至六七元的时候,它跌进了债务陷阱,2018年起进入无休止的官司,这几年债权几经转手,甚至被一个中资的维京群岛注册的公司 (CHEL)控制,以三折的低价在卖锂还债, 放在这几年锂矿价格十倍飙升的背景下, 实在是令人扼腕 。


资本面前 散户永远是弱者——-AM (Alita)动态更新

当时认为 :

 剩下的程序 就是 获得 澳洲证券投资委 的谅解书 ( relief from the Australia security and investment commission) 以及 外国投资审核委员会 (foreign investment review Board)的批准。这两个关口能通过的话, 所有股份将零对价划转给 Austroid corporation,并从股市除牌。目前看来法庭程序已经结束, 最后两道关口能否阻挡 贪婪的 Mike Que, 别报太大希望。

我曾以为那是关于Alita 的最后一篇博文,作为有始有终的交待。

然而,就在一周多前,一份新判决出炉了, 反转之路,初现曙光。

三月最后一天, Bloomberg 报道, 澳洲高等法院谕令股权持有人,在锂价飙升的现状下,可以为他们的权益而战,取得公平价值。

因为锂价已经涨了十倍, Alita 的公司价值已经从零飙升到了十五亿美元,当初那个几千万美元的债务陷阱,对它已经不是什么事了。法官 Jenni Hill 同意公司管理契约(DOCA)遭遇了不合理的拖延,尽管债权人 Austroid resources 与执行官 McGrathNicol 三年前就签字了,却迟迟没有完成。

那么,同学们,个人以为,除了锂价波动因素外,不毛山已经利空出尽了,它被债权人无偿接管的危险已经退去,接下来我们就等消息了, 也许还要再耐心等一年。

Alita 总股份 14.8 亿, 三月法庭文件显示,估值十五亿美元, 记得这几个数字, 晚上作个甜甜的梦, 梦中记得替正在为我们而战的 Canacord 公司祈福。

原报道很长, 有兴趣了解的同学可以搜索:Alita equity holders win the right to fight for fair value as the price of lithium soars (记者 Tansy Harcourt)

以我的解读,最近的这个法庭谕令,股权人有权为自己股份的公平价值而战,应当包括追讨这几年债权人违规操作的不当得利。法律上债权人比股权人有优先索偿权, 但是这不表明他们可以榨取额外利益, 法庭文件显示他们通过三折的低价,让不毛山的锂产出输往一家中国公司, 仅给不毛山留下微薄利润, 这样的折扣幅度可以解读为不当得利。打个比方,董永卖身葬父,公平价格是两年劳役就可以还清债务恢复自由身,但是债权人非要操作劳役价格,让他干了五年,那么在法庭上,他不仅可以立即恢复自由身,而且还有权追讨多服劳役的补偿。


2. OKP 的仲裁与反转

OKP 这个公司,是我所钟爱的, 不仅因为它曾是我手中第一个翻倍的坡股,而且敢于用创办人胡金标自己名字作公司名,我敬他是条汉子,不会随便糟蹋自己的令名。该公司多年前在CTE拓宽工程中表现也让我平添敬意。


比如 2008 金融危机前, OKP 在附马爷的撺掇下,贸然去非洲开发石油,铩羽而归,就是一例。

而最近的例子就是 2017 年7月 14 日早上六点多 PIE高架桥工地的塌桥事故,造成了伤亡,机敏的投资者会在几个小时后尽快脱手掉它,不管当时它的走势多么好,多么接近冲击50分大关的机会。


果然接下来就从上升轨道逆转,股价从四毛多,到三毛多,再到二毛多,仍未到底, 一直到一毛一分多才止住。

幸好公司老帅临危不惧,控制好公司现金流,沉着应对官司, 在过去五年多面临种种困难情况下,依然保持分红,这样的魄力值得敬佩。

最近的逆转发生在三月六日, 根据仲裁,承担高架桥设计的 CPG 顾问私人有限公司,向 OKP 支付 4380 万新元赔偿, 消息见报当日, OKP股价飙升 18%, 从此走向价值回归之旅。


最新消息是公司手中合同额达到了 4.5 亿。

3. Semcorp marine 与 kepple offshore & marine 的重组与 新生

Semcorp marine 这个公司在 2012 年如日中天的时候,股价是三块多,2021 年末到2022 年初,股价曾长期徘徊在八分上下,许多人为之唏嘘, 一个辉煌的公司到了末路,有人认为是管理层不行,有人认为是海油工程的周期,从 1983 年海油建设顶峰到 2012 年的顶峰,间隔29 年,正好与钻井平台 30—35 年的寿命期基本吻合。这些都有一定道理,然而最直接的因素却是巴西的事情。


巴西是一个自然资源丰富的大国,不仅有广阔的亚马孙森林,还有丰富的岸外油气资源,在2012 前后曾和海油工程大国新加坡的 sembcorp marine, kepple offshore & marine 打得火热,轰轰烈搞了很多造船,建海上井架, 岸外支持的项目, 然而随着后面油价的低迷, 政府的更迭,开始算前朝旧账了,情形就类似我们的邻邦马来西亚,搞经济过程中涉及的贿赂,黑金,不规范操作一 一浮出水面, 金砖之一的巴西开始掉链子了。而受伤很深的 sembcorp marine 与 keppe offshore & marine 更是官司缠身,有入狱,有罚款,名声大受拖累。

困境中, 孕育出了一个金蝉脱壳的妙计,先是最肥硕的 Kepple 集团转型上岸,把船厂卖掉, 再把岸外海事剥离,让subcorp marine 反向收购, 这样 kepple 就彻底洗白,脱掉了包袱。

sembcorp marine 也早早与 sembcorp industry 分离, 确保不会蔓延。

从2022 年初开始酝酿 反向收购起,先知先觉的资金就开始布局,sembcorp marine 股价开始走好,到今年三月收购批准时,股价达到 14.5 分左右,几乎翻倍。

当时形势看起来一片大好,弱不禁风的 semcorp marine 吃下了赚钱能力更强的 kepple offshore & marine, 而后者的管理层接替不够给力的 sembcorp marine 原管理层, 一帮人马转身换了牌子,给巴西人一个迷魂阵, 同时带来上百亿的合同,再加上淡马锡的股份。

吊诡的是,就在合并批准的当天,股价急转直下,短短一个月就从一毛四分多跌到最低 10.01 分, 跌幅高达 40% 以上,幸好当时有人提醒说 kepple corp 股东获得 1比 19.1对股之后,市场一下子多出几百亿的浮筹,需要时间消化,所以耐心地等,等到了最后支撑点,仍没敢出手,几乎就要错失最佳机会的时刻,搞笑的事情发生了,公司突然公告说巴西在翻分公司旧账,三月二十四日 当天急跌 8%, 终于给了补票上车机会。过后才知道,所谓翻旧账的事本来就是几年前的旧闻,那天的宣布只能算是配合震仓而已。此后就进入上升轨道。


(A)公司合同额有 200 多亿,公司在新能源领域有了用武之地,就是安装海上风能电厂,想想看高达二三百米的风能发电机,在海上安装,再把电力输送上岸,这是不是一块大肥肉?对于在海上建井架的高手来说,是不是很好的增长点。

(B) 公司忝列淡马锡名下弟子之列,光环大大地有。

(C)公司市值 82 亿,在新加坡上市公司中名列前二十名, 在 STI 成分股备选名单中,名列第一,那么在下一轮更换时 (可能是六月),机会很大,一旦进入成分股之列,很多基金和机构都会配置,是不是很好的催化剂。

(D)公司将更名 Seatrium Limited,彻底搞懵巴西人。

4. 两个煤矿的分野告诉了什么

2021 年10月, 煤股行情早期阶段,我曾发表以下博文

两只煤炭股大PK——– Geo resources vs. Golden Energy

当时两者股价分别是 27.5 分 和34 分,后者比前者高 23%, 今天加上分红, 前者涨幅 只有 67%, 后者恰好 200%, 增长率是前者三倍。 实在令人吃惊, 当初 PK的时候, 明明前者看起来更有吸引力鸭,背后隐藏着什么逻辑,我们又能从中学到什么?

两个公司的不同还表现在对于大笔现金的处理方式上, 前者走上了大笔分红的道路, 一年半以来分红高达 13分, 年分红率接近 20%, 而后者一毛不拔, 现金被用于多元化其他业务,比如涉足金矿。

前者不仅在多元化上裹足不前, 甚至在并购煤矿上也只听楼梯下不见人下来, 勘探新矿的工作, 也缺乏新的宣布,这些保守的做法,导致了市场对它估值的保守。

除此之外, 还有两个因素,造成两股行情的巨大落差。

一个是俄乌战事, 让欧洲不得不放下身段, 重启煤电, 大量从澳洲进口煤,给了 golden energy 额外之财。

另一个是印尼的公司责任政策, 要求本国公司以折扣价格供应一定比例的产量给国内电厂, 这样一定程度上扭曲了自由市场的原则,也影响了公司季度产能安排。没办法,在发展中国家经常有这种非市场行为, 让企业承担过多社会成本。

我们能得到的启示是, 以后遇到跨国PK的时候, 记得给遵循高效市场原则的发达经济体, 更高的权重。

5. 豹哥停更之谜

去年突然失去了更新的热情, 这个事情说起来复杂, 一言难尽,除了改版之后对版面的不适应, 我捡两件事说说。第一件事, 是长期伴随的一个微信公众号 《股社区》 又名 《招财大牛猫》突然被消音了, 他 的最后时光,充满惶恐,极力挽救,希望管理当局能高抬贵手,放他一马。


有时候信马由缰说了一些与股市无关的题外话 (这个听说有些涉及政治不正确问题,比如催生人口无法成功,咱不懂), 除此之外,可能就是对各种 “茅” 的推崇, 什么”酒茅, 药茅, 银茅” 之说



总之就是各行业翘楚, 基金扎堆涌入, 确实有股民涌入赚了钱, 然而,人无百日好,花无百日红,再好的翘楚,也总有涨过头, 回潮的时候, 即使是在新加坡, 那些曾经的强势牛股,AEM,I-Fast, best world,DBS等也都有左侧下跌阶段, 这时候牛猫曾经写的文章,曾经说的话,都可能成为别人赔钱后泄愤的对象, 即使那些文章是很久以前针对当时市场状况写的,也可能在几年后成了替罪羔羊, 除非养成习惯, 几个月后时效一过就删除, 否则实在是吃力不讨好。


另一件事, 就是在国内严酷的新冠清零管控期间, 加入了一个“深井冰群”,从此每天接触海量的负面信息,越看越悲观,越看越情绪低落,可是却又欲罢不能,总觉得深井冰们才是真正的清醒者,真正的知音,真正同气相求的人,因而就更失去了与正常人交流的兴致。直到今年三月,才不告而别,断然退出了深井冰群,天地才又恢复了色彩。



个股研究 2022 四月

  1. Hock Lian sheng

一家建筑股, 在基建方面口碑不错, 拿合同很有一手, 去年十二月到今年一月,接连拿到跨岛线两个大合同一共七亿, 使得手中订单达到十亿, 以它的规模,可以说未来六年的生意都有了。

除此之外, 它在地产上 , 主要是工业地产也有业务, 加上合资参股获得收益, 总体来说这家公司靠谱, 去年的业绩比前一年增长四五倍, 当然因为疫情, 前年数据变形比较大,但是如果把两年数据加和, 与再前面两年比, 也能看出来公司已经重返正规。

EPS 4.91 分, NAV 44.5 分, 总股份 512 M, 股价 30 分, PE 6.1 净资产增 10%, 现金从 59M 增至 67M, 公司分红记录也不错。

虽然股价上周五劲升 10.9%, 总体说来, 仍在低估状态, 图形看最近半年有收集形态, 预期未来将继续价值恢复之路 , 可看高一线。

2. Hafary

这是坡上一家领先的建材供应商, 主要供应的是饰面材料:地面,墙面,桌面,柜面,材质包括瓷砖,大理石,花岗石,木材,高分子材料,马赛克等,这个业务与建筑业,房产周期息息相关,

公司有三家合资工厂, 分别在缅甸,广东和本地,

净利润率, 资产回报率分别达到 11%, 17.25%, 这是相当令人羡慕的,

3. Bumitama 不迷它妈

印尼棕油股, 188K 公顷棕榈, 平均树龄 12.5 年 (棕榈 4 龄进入果期,再持续 30 年)总股数 1734 M

主产品 棕油 (CPO), 棕泊 (palm kernel, 用作饲料)

21 年报,RA 9.7%, EPS 9.4 新分, net profit margin 17.1% 出油率 22.6%, 出泊率 4.8% 现金 17M 新币 (太少)

1Q22 简报, CPO 价格涨 40%, PK 涨 81%, 在有利气候及强劲价格带动下,净利 87.3 M SGD, 涨424%, EBITADA margin 37.8% net profit margin 22.4% , net gearing ratio 0.22

一季度 eps 4.78 新分,年化PE 3.64

俄乌均为菜籽油出口大国, 战事将影响供应, 加上过去三年不利气候,棕榈油库存不足,今年印尼的棕油大户前景乐观。

4. Golden Agri- resources 金光农业 (GAR)

印尼棕油股,也作棕油后加工及相关物流,包括色拉油/黄油/月桂酸/生物燃油, 537 K 公顷棕榈 (其中 511K 在果期)出油率 21.4% 10Mt fresh fruit bunches (FFB) 总股数 12692M,

21 年报, EPS 5.06 新分, NAV 52.6 新分, 现金 4.98 亿美金, EBIDA margin 4.3%

1Q 22简报, 净利 188M USD, 增 361% 一季度 eps 2 新分, 年化PE 3.5 CPO 价格增 49%, 吨价 1579 美金。

5. First resources

印尼棕油股, 200K 公顷棕榈, 种/收/榨, 也作精炼, 出油率 22.4%, 出泊率 5.0%, 总股数 1577M

21 年报 净利 161M 美金, 涨 61.6%, 分红 6.36 分, EBITADA margin 30.3%, NAV 76 美分 合 102.6 新分, eps 13.8 新分, 内销要求比率 (DMO) 20%

1Q22 简报, 净利73.6 M USD, 升 738% 现金 4.36 亿美金, 一季度 eps 6.3 新分,年化 PE 8.37

6. Wilmar

食品工业巨无霸, 10 万雇员, 500 家工厂, 种植/榨 棕油 糖, 食品 饲料 中央大厨房, 油脂化工 生物燃料。

21Y 报告, 净利涨 23%, EPS 40.36 新分

1Q22, 净利 530 M 美元, 涨 17.8% 营收涨 23.2% 目前 PE 接近 10.


今年农产品股会是风口, 金光 与 不迷它妈 值得重点关注。

7. Global palm resources

印尼小型棕油股, 总股份 2.23 亿, 总市值 48M, 棕榈园 (nucleuses) + 农庄散户 (plasma) 总共 14 K 公顷成熟棕油园, 2021 年 扭亏, 盈利 6.8M,营收涨91%, CPO出3 万吨, 现金 15.2 M新元, EPS 2.7 新分。NAV 30 新分

(树龄 1—3 年 未成熟, 4–7 年成熟林, 7—18 年盛果期, 18 年以上 老树)

棕油 CPO 1.04 s$/kg, 棕泊 PK 0.66 S$/KG, 鲜果串FFB 0.23S$/KG (2021年底价格)毛利率 33.8%

前三大股东 82.94%, 0.97%,0.82% ( 2021 年 1月8日,家族内部通过股权置换,将 82.94% 的持股分成 55% 与 21% 两块, 分别由 长子系CEO, 与兄弟母族系持有,因而算合规 (未及 80% 红线), 理论上这种持股结构利于持续分红,不利于外部炒作)。

中期分红 1分, 年终分红 0.65 分 八月 十四号左右半年报

回顾—–2021 秋季点金 一共两只股

2021 年秋季, 基本上就是盯船运和煤碳了, 当时一共推出两只股。

分别是 Samudera Shipping 和 Geo energy resource, 参见

火热的海运———看几张图 (点金3)

旺热的煤——再看几张图 (点金4)


Samudera Shipping 是去年八月二十五日推出的, 当日收盘价 44 分, 到 今年四月四日收盘 100 分, 涨幅 127%,

Geo energy resources 是去年九月六日推出的, 到昨日为止, 最大涨幅 162%, 以昨日收盘算, 涨幅 128%,

秋季点金两只股双双翻倍,主要还是选对了船与煤, 但是也错过了不少金属,世界日日更新,选方向很重要,今年该吃什么呢?


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